Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


9 months later, Spring 2020

Today's the big day!

The day I've worked so hard for.

It feels like no time at all has passed since I first stepped foot at Legacy U in pursuit of independence and adventure. What I've gotten out of it is so, so much more.

I hold up two white sundresses to Donatella where she's perched on her favorite chair.

"What do you think Tella?"

The cat just stares at me.

As I thought.

"Good call," I nod and go with the higher cut one. I don't want to hear it from Nonna how my 'boobies' have filled out.

I slip the dress on and take a few deep breaths in the mirror before applying some mascara. There's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I call.

Gwen pushes through the door and flops on my bed like she owns the place. Donatella jumps on her instantly.

"You look hot," Gwen smirks at me.

"Is that what you're wearing?" I ask, eyeing her black tank top and leather mini-skirt.

"It's my brand. Let me live."

I giggle and roll my eyes.

"I'm so sad you're leaving. What the hell am I going to do myself here for a year?!" she cries, throwing her arms up in the air. "Why do you have to be such an over-achieving weirdo and graduate a year early?!"

I shrug. "My apologies. You know I'm always a phone call away. Besides, you have plenty of friends here."

"But they're not you, Princess Bubblegum," she huffs angrily.

I offer her a sad smile.

"I'll miss you a lot," I throw myself over her and cover her cheeks with kisses. Donatella hops down in fright.

"Ugh! Get off me you affectionate psycho!" Gwen laughs.

I giggle and climb off of her. There's a knock on the apartment door.

The ceremony isn't for another two hours. I'm meeting my family and Parker after the ceremony. So, I have no idea who it could be.

Whoever it is – they're close enough to me to get through our bodyguards.

I open the door and squeal with delight when I see Mira standing there.

"What are you doing here!?" I laugh as I envelop my sister in the world's biggest hug.

"I wanted to be special and see you before everyone else," she grins.

I open the door, allowing her into the apartment.

Mira looks around, smiling a bit.

"You've made this place a home, huh?" she asks.

I sigh sadly. "'s weird leaving it."

"Parker says he has the rental house through the rest of the summer..." she gives me a knowing look.

Quiet TemptationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora