Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


We gave up studying over an hour ago.

Donatella is now perched on my chest, nuzzling, and snoring loudly, her green eyes shut as she sleeps peacefully. I'm petting her little head mindlessly. My legs are stretched across the sofa. Marty is laying opposite me, her much shorter legs resting against mine like my bookend.

We've just been talking. Marty knows all there is to know about that International Business class. She doesn't need to study, and she discovered pretty early on that I don't actually give a fuck about passing the class.

"What would you do if you were born normal?" Marty asks, helping herself to a Twizzler. She offers me one and I put it in my mouth like a cigarette as I contemplate.

"I've never really thought about it," I admit.

"Really?" she asks, blinking. "Like, at all?"

I shrug, "When I was a kid I wanted to be a firefighter."

"I could see that actually," Marty nods, taking a big bite of her Twizzler. "Running into burning buildings. A little dangerous. A little reckless. Hero complex."

"I don't have a hero complex," I scoff.

She gives me a knowing look. I've never heard that one about myself. But I kind of like her thinking that about me.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I've always wanted to open a coffee shop," she smiles a bit.

"You still can," I tell her.

She shrugs, "I don't see Papa allowing that..."

"Ah come on," I chuckle, "If your sister can get out, so can you, right?"

"It's different," Marty mutters, looking a little sad again. I don't like that look at all. I want to wipe that off her face. I never appreciate how often Marty smiles – how nice it is – how it lights up her whole face. I'd give a whole lot of anything right now to see her doing that instead of frowning. "I'm not as brave or smart as Mira."

"Are you kidding?" I frown. "Sure, you are. Don't say that."

Marty laughs a bit, tucking that piece of hair behind her ear yet again.

"When you're nice to me, it puts me off," she laughs.

"I'm always nice," I grumble.

Marty snorts at that.

"What?" I laugh, "I am!"

She leans forward excitedly, pointing at me, "There! That! That's the Parker Fallon I first met. Cocky, easy to laugh, funny, even."

"You don't think I'm funny anymore?" I scoff.

"I'm funnier," she shrugs.

"Oh, please."

Marty giggles. She's still leaning forward, grinning at me. She reaches forward and offers some pets to Donatella, whose purrs only heighten.

"Wish you weren't leaving," she admits in a small voice.

"You'll be alright. You've got Gwen...and the bitch squad," I smirk.

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