Chapter Thirteen - A melder to the head isn't exactly fun.

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Hello! I've been SO EXCITED to FINALLY write about the Neverseen's attack. I have everything planned! Just beware!!
This is going to be crazy, so enjoy whatever this food is!
I think it's chili but I dunno.
Anyways, time to write!!!

OH, WAIT HERE'S ONE MORE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION--Fintan in the iconic Neverseen member that is the first to come to our minds when we think of 'Neverseen,' so we're just going to pretend that he's still a member of the Neverseen. Thank you!

Ladybug (Marinette)'s POV

Ladybug ran on top of buildings as she made her way to the Neverseen. Alya was right beside her. Down below in the ground, she could hear someone calling her name. She looked down to see Sophie, Keefe, and the rest of the group running after them.
"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" Sophie yelled up to them.
"What we always do!" Ladybug yelled down to her. "Fight!"
Sophie nodded and continued to run.
Ladybug was surprised how long they could all run for, and they all kept at a perfect pace. She guessed that was just one of the advantages of not being a human and being an elf. Soon, they reached the Neverseen.
"Ah, here are the so-called superheroes that protect Paris from Hawkmoth." One of them spoke. She had an accent that resembled Keefe's.
"And who might you be?" Ladybug snapped.
The lady laughed.
"Well, if it isn't mommy dearest!" Keefe announced, stepping towards his mom. "Missed me? Want to see how your creepy legacy is making me turn out?"
Ladybug's jaw dropped.
Keefe's mom flipped her hood back. "No, not exactly." She told him. "I'm not here for you."
"Right. You never were." Keefe mumbled under his breath. Even though his mother was evil, and no matter how hard he tried to hate her, Ladybug knew he still cared.
Keefe's mom ignored him. "I'm here for the humans."
Keefe held his sharp gaze, but Ladybug could see some pain clouded in his eyes that he tried to hide, like he had let down his mother, no matter how horrible she was.
Suddenly, she snapped her fingers and a weird, giant gun appeared out of nowhere.
Sophie turned pale.
"What is tha-" Ladybug started, but Keefe's mom--Ladybug was never given her name--pointed the gun to Sophie's head swiftly and pulled the trigger. Sophie was flung back and lay twitching on the ground.
"Now, does anyone else want a go?" Keefe's mom asked, turning around with a wretched smile.
"What was that?! And who are you?!" Chat Noir snapped.
Keefe's mom laughed. "I'm Lady Gisela--Keefe's mother. That was a melder."
"A melder is like an excruciatingly painful stun-gun. It won't do any permanent damage unless it is right to your head." Dex explained.
"Oh." Ladybug said. Then she realized, that melder was touching Sophie's head when it was shot.
A cold chill ran through her body with the realization.
Fintan--Ladybug remembered Sophie talking about him--suddenly put his hands up. Everblaze swarmed around him and danced along his fingertips. He had an evil grin plastered on his face.
Sophie forced herself to her feet. She clutched her head in pain, but was able to stand. Barely, but at least she was standing. She thrust her arms forward, and suddenly Lady Gisela was flung. She hit a pole and stumbled. She didn't seem to happy about that and shot Sophie with the melder again.
Sophie flew backwards, writhing in pain on the floor, unable to move other than twitching. Keefe ran to her side and tried to help her while Ladybug and the rest of the gang fought the Neverseen.
Sophie got up, seemingly looking normal. She joined the fight like nothing happened, but Ladybug could see her biting her lip trying to hide the pain.


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