Chapter eleven - "Wait, so the superheroes of Paris are furries?"

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Ladybug's POV

"So, lemme get this straight--there's a butterfly man named Hawk Moth who wants both of your Miraculous, which is the source of your power, so that he can make one wish and destroy the entire world. Each Miraculous is based off of an animal and has a one-time-use superpower based off of that animal for each transformation, and a special weapon, and there're little creatures that power your Miraculous called Kwamis which are tied to a jewel which IS the Miraculous, and these Kwamis can't die, can go through walls and objects and can't be caught on camera, but need to be fed to power you, and after you use your superpower, you have five minutes before you de-transform back into your civilian human self, and if your Miraculous jewel is removed you de-transform, and Hawkie-butterfly-moth-man wants the jewels, and your not allowed to know each other's identities?" Sophie asked.
"Uhh, yeah. That's basically it." Ladybug said.
"So you guys are all just a bunch of furry superheroes?" Sophie asked.
"We're not furries!" Ladybug yelled.
Keefe laughed.
"What's your name?" Char Noir asked Keefe.
"Oh, I'm Keefe. Keefe Sencen. But you can call me Lord Hunkyhair, because my hair is amazingly awesome." Keefe told him with a hair flip.
Sophie and Ladybug both facepalmed in perfect sync.
"Well, looks like you have a Chat Noir, too," Ladybug told her through a sigh.
"Yeah," Sophie admitted.
"I like this guy!" Chat Noir said, pointing at Keefe.
"So, what's the plot for you guys?" Ladybug asked Sophie, completely ignoring Chat Noir. She was pretty interested in what was going on with the elves.
"So, basically, elves have powers that they manifest from around the ages 12-16. We are ruled by the twelve councillors. There's a rebel group called the Neverseen, and they're evil. They hate the other rebel group called the Black Swan. The Black Swan is good. The Black Swan needed an advantage against the Neverseen, so they got two DNA donors and made me. They modified my genes and DNA and made me extra powerful. Keefe's mother, Lady Gisela, drank some weird potion before getting pregnant, and then a few months ago, used Shadowflux, a special kind of shadow that only very few shades can control, and light, to trigger something called Keefe's 'legacy.' Now Keefe has really weird powers and can control people with his voice but can't control when he uses it. Lady Gisela is in the Neverseen. Oh, and also, guilt is a deadly feeling for an elf to feel, so they can't kill anyone or the guilt of murder would cause their mind to break." Sophie explained in a quick summary.
"Wow. We both have some drama," Ladybug admitted with shock. "I don't know how you've not died."
"Oh, I have died before," Sophie told her in a normal voice with a normal expression, as if it were a normal, daily thing. "But I was brought back."
Ladybug stood there staring in astonishment. How could this girl go through all of that seemingly every day? "We have to stop the Neverseen," Ladybug said in a brave voice. "We have to stop them before they do any permanent, irreversible damage."
Sophie nodded. "And we must be quick."

Keeper Of The Kwamis (Miraculous Of The Lost Cities)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz