★ tape 17

206 7 5

apr. 5th, 2023 wednesday, at 3:06 am

his hair was tousled and unkempt, makeup smeared in dark streaks, and his clothes appeared torn and disheveled.

yeonjun's grin grew wider, revealing a sinister glee in his eyes as he pushed the camera away, unveiling soobin and beomgyu.


on chairs-slowly falling apart.

admist the decay, yeonjun whispers, "i'll love you always..." the flames behind him grow, mirroring his unsettling smile. soon engulfed by the flames.

the camera crashes, exposing the flames devouring the room with a relentless hunger. a loud shriek, echoing through the flames.

soon the wailing of police sirens pierces the air, mingling with terrified screams and agonized pleas.

taehyun was then seen after making a heroic act to save them. only to end up seeing the decaying of the family. he gasp, tears welling up so quickly. stepping back slightly, until he felt something.

he looked down, spotting the camera. he grabs it slowly, shaking, terrified. it was all shown. "why..." he asked. biting back the tears that rush to fall. ending up with them falling. he closes his eyes, shutting it off.

. . .
167 words
- miri<3 🐰

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