★ tape 5

107 4 3

feb. 10th, 2003 monday, at 1:26am

"mwah!" yeonjun kissed soobin's lips, biting the bottom lip.

"ow, that hurts," soobin chuckled, gently moving yeonjun's face away. yeonjun groaned and then quickly kissed Soobin's cheek.

there were shuffling noises as soobin adjusted the camera, revealing yeonjun clinging onto him. "you're so adorable," soobin remarked, planting a kiss on yeonjun's neck.

"shh~" yeonjun hushed him, leaning back in for more kisses.

as a result of their playful actions, the camera fell. "yeonjun!" soobin exclaimed, but yeonjun just laughed, not letting him move as he pushed him down onto the bed.

only a little bit of the camera remained, but it was enough to see what was going on.

more kissing noises were heard as they started to make out. soobin crawling his hands instead yeonjun's shirt, making him shiver in response.

"your hands are cold" yeojun inbetween the kisses.

"shhh" soobin slide them down and then dug them under yeonjun's pants, which caught the older off guard.

"hey!" yeonjun yelled, stopping the hands from going in furthur.

"pleaseee" soobin begged.

"fineee" yeonjun consented, going back to kissing him.

they forgot they were even recording after the not so appropriate stuff they did.

. . .
193 words
- miri<3 🐰

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