★ tape 10

100 4 0

sept. 12th, 2018 monday, at 8:01am

"are you having fun?"

yeonjun aimed the camera at beomgyu, who offered a hesitant smile and nodded in response.

"that's good," yeonjun remarked, shifting his attention to his right. "could you put away your phone?" he requested sternly, filming soobin munching on chips and scrolling.

"why, though?" soobin quipped sarcastically.

"because we're out together as a family," yeonjun emphasized, handing the camera to beomgyu without further explanation.

"okay?" soobin raised an eyebrow, not fully grasping yeonjun's intent.

"put your phone away," yeonjun reiterated, his gaze conveying determination. soobin let out an exasperated sigh.

"fine," he complied, switching off his phone and stashing it in his pocket.

beomgyu maintained an awkward smile, feeling uncomfortable with the tension in the air.

"beomgyu, please turn it off," yeonjun urged, already heading towards the ocean. beomgyu promptly obliged, stopping the recording.

. . .
137 words
- miri<3 🐰

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