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the door creaked open, the cold air rushing into the house as Soobin stepped inside and closed it carefully, trying not to make a sound. it was really late, and he knew yeonjun and beomgyu would be furious seeing him after being away for so long. he wasn't sure about yeonjun's reaction, but he feared beomgyu's disappointment.

slowly, he ascended the stairs, attempting to minimize any noise, but the old steps betrayed him with their familiar creaks.

reaching beomgyu's door adorned with floral designs, he turned the knob, recoiling at the awful stench that assaulted his senses, as if something was rotting inside. he mustered the courage to enter, only to find beomgyu absent from his bed, and instead, a swarm of flies.

"god... has he not been cleaning up his room?" soobin coughed, the stench unbearable.

he heard sloshing noises from the bathroom on his left, the lights still on but the stench even stronger. "i'm doing this because i love him," soobin whispered to himself, pinching his nose tightly and stepping cautiously into the room.

"beomgyu, why do you stink so ba-" soobin gasped, almost stumbling over his own feet.

"oh, look, it's your horrible father, staring at you. you see how awful he is," yeonjun frowned, tears welling up as he stared at beomgyu's emaciated body.

"w-what the... what the hell..." soobin stuttered, eyes widened, pupils dilated in fear. He was frozen in place.

his husband... bathing... their deceased son?

"AHHHHHHHHH!" soobin screamed in terror, cries of horror following. he fell to his knees and wept profusely. he didn't know what to feel. What... what was going on? He thought. terrified, afraid, he felt like he was losing his mind.

"shh, stop being so loud. you're hurting our poor baby bear's ears," yeonjun pouted, staring at soobin with disappointed eyes.

soobin looked up, trembling. he realized it wasn't him who had gone mad... it was yeonjun.

"did you... kill him?"

sooobin's heart raced, his mind struggling to process the horrific sight before him. he stammered, trying to find words to express the shock and horror gnawing at his soul.


soobin was in a state of confusion and fear. It felt like a strange dream.

"stop agitating our child, soobin!" yeonjun exclaimed, tossing a pillow at soobin, who was pacing anxiously.

"he's not alive, yeonjun," soobin asserted angrily, turning away.

"yes, he is!" yeonjun stood up, his eyes welling up with tears and anger, unable to accept that Beomgyu was gone.

"no, yeonjun. he's not," soobin responded, facing him sternly.

yeonjun stared, his eyes gradually softening, yet still showing signs of distress.

"you caused all of this. it's your fault," Yeonjun accused, slapping Soobin, the sound echoing in the room.

soobin stared at the floor, his face soon turning one with angered. his eyebrows furrowed. "what the hell." he said, stepping inches closer to him as yeonjun took step backs.

"you're a terrible father, absolutely awful. where have you been, anyway? you could've kept Beomgyu from being lonely. but that's fine, i got to be with my baby without YOU getting in the way." yeonjun poked at soobin, pushing him lightly in anger.

"stop touching me."

"then get OUT!" Yeonjun yelled, pointing to the door.

but what happened was unexpected.

soobin slapped yeonjun back, harder. yeonjun fell to the floor with a red handprint on his face. he looked up, tears in his eyes, face red with anger. he furrowed his eyebrows, slowly getting up.

"y-you made me do this," yeonjun stuttered, tears streaming down his face as he watched his husband let out a gut-wrenching cry and crumple to the floor, red liquid dripping from his body.

when the silence set in, yeonjun realized what he had done. he dropped the weapon with a loud gasp, covering his mouth with his stained hands. he started to tear up, hiccupping, as he crouched down beside his husband, shaking him to see if he'd move. But no, soobin's life was gone, taken by his madness.

he hugged soobin's lifeless body, tears streaming down his face. he had lost everything.

. . .
684 words
- miri<3 🐰

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