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"shh... appa is here... appa will never put you there again, okay? are you listening to me?" yeonjun smiled, looking at beomgyu with loving eyes as he bathed him.

"you've always been so gorgeous in my eyes, i have to give props to soobin..." he smiled, resting his head on the side.

"don't complain about it being too cold! It keeps you fresh and alive. cold baths are the best baths!" yeonjun smiled once more, playfully splashing the cold water onto Beomgyu.

"shhh, i said no complaining!" he laughed, staring at beomgyu with amused eyes.

"you're so adorable..." he smiled, resisting the urge to poke beomgyu's cheek, afraid of breaking him.


"i wonder why your other appa hasn't come home yet. but don't worry! i'll always be here. Unlike your horrible douchebag of a father, i'll be here. i'll be your real father, i'll protect you," yeonjun promised, holding onto his own hand and pretending it was beomgyu as he looked at the frail boy.

"aww, my baby, i promise i will," he laughed, blowing him a kiss. "i'll make you some food, alright?" he cheekily got up and started making some.

"yah, i said to wait!— i know you want it now, but i just started!— no buts!" yeonjun smiled at his son's adorableness. "i'll make it as soon as possible, okay?!" he yelled, turning his head. he smiled, hearing a reply.

a few minutes later, he set the table for just the two of them, placing the food down and making sure it looked nice. he then went back to the living room, helping his son off the couch and onto the chair, dusting his clothes.

"eww, you reek!" yeonjun giggled. "i thought i just bathed you? aww, you dirty little baby. i'll make your room super cold for you. just how you like it." yeonnun walked up to his chair, eating right in front of him.

"so... you're excited for school?" yeonjun asked, anticipating an answer, but frowned at the response he got.

i won't be going to school.

"oh yes, you are?" yeonjun scoffed at his son's sudden boldness.

no. I won't.

"you are, and that's final," he said firmly.


yeonjun slammed the table. "don't you talk back to me, you little boy! I'm the one who's in charge, not you!" he made a fuss, taking a deep breath in and out before sitting down. "maybe you should stay home," he said, looking down with a frown, pushing his food around, basically playing with it.


soobin hadn't been coming home, not for a long time. But yeonjun was okay with that; he was having so much fun with his baby.

"baby? you're supposed to be studying... not sleeping~" yeonjun giggled, taking a few steps away from the freezing cold aura emanating from beomgyu. yeonjun smiled. "well, i'll let you sleep. you had a rough day today." he turned the fan to a higher speed, making the room even colder.

"I love you."

I love you too.

yeonjun smiled widely, turning the light off, leaving a night light on, and closing the door.


yes. yeonjun was at his peak of insanity. he thinks beomgyu is talking to him. he hears his voice. but it's all in his head.

yeonjun carefully places beomgyu down, ignoring the uncomfortable cracking and his bones shifting. he smiled, propping his clothes. "i'll be back, my baby." yeonjun quickly headed out, not forgetting to lock the house just in case of intruders. not wanting his baby to get kidnapped.

speaking of his 'baby,' his 'baby' hasn't been looking. very human anymore...

beomgyu's figure contorted into an unsettling shape, like a distorted reflection. his skin, once smooth and lively, now took on a sickly, uneven tone with pulsing veins snaking across it.

his fingers twisted into unnatural forms, resembling gnarled branches. bony growths protruded from his arms, every move accompanied by unsettling cracks and shifts.

his face bore the worst of the transformation. his eyes, once bright, now appeared as hollow voids. His nose flattened and widened, melding into his changing skull. a peculiar and unpleasant smell emanated from his jagged, sharp teeth.

every part of his body seemed to rebel against its original form. he stood, a living nightmare of what he used to be, an eerie reminder that even the familiar could take a horrifying turn.


yeonjun peacefully gathered ingredients for something he planned to make for beomgyu, humming to his favorite song to maintain some semblance of peace in his mind.

"excuse me," a familiar voice called out. yeonjun jumped, turning to see hueningkai.

"oh... hey," yeonjun smiled, though it was clearly forced and tinged with sarcasm. their relationship had soured after soobin's derogatory comments about yeonjun to hueningkai.

"sorry to bother, but my son... he wants to know when beomgyu is going to come back to school? he hasn't been getting any messages or anything... just wondering," hueningkai tried to sound as gentle as possible, knowing how yeonjun could explode at the slightest provocation.

"he's sick and grounded," yeonjun replied, turning away and trying to leave, but hueningkai stopped him again. "oh, he is? do you want me to send anything to him or—"

"no. go away," yeonjun spat, attempting to leave, but hueningkai stood firm. "do you know when he'll come back to school? from what I've heard, they'll be taking a geometry test, and him and taehyun were supposed to study. studying  is more important than being grounded," hueninhkai persisted, but yeonjun was growing increasingly annoyed.

"can you shut the fuck up and move out of my way! i'm trying to find stuff to cook for my baby, and you're in the middle of it. i can't let him starve!" he yelled, causing a scene. onlookers started to stare, watching yeonjun in his fit of anger.


"leave me the hell alone," yeonjun threatened, grabbing his cart and moving in a different direction.

hueningkai sighed in defeat, hoping that someday their family could find happiness again.


"bad people were trying to stop me from buying you food... how could they." he confessed, his eyebrows furrowed so show is anger. he brushed his hair, careful not to break him and his widowed body. but, his hair was still soft.

"but don't worry, father will do what it takes to make you happy. okay?" yeonjun looked over, staring at the hallow eyes that stuck out from beomgyu's sockets. "i love you too my baby." he smiles, going back to brushing his hair.

. . .
1085 words
— miri<3 🐰

&quot;father&quot; | yeonbinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum