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A tragic incident unfolded as a family of three-Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, and Choi Beomgyu-was engulfed in a devastating house fire. The authorities have confirmed the loss of Soobin and Beomgyu. Yeonjun, the surviving member, initially reported alive, was later found deceased a few days ago. The details surrounding this heart-wrenching event are currently under investigation-"

hueningkai turned the tv off as he stared down in devastation. how did this all happen?... he questions. i could've done something to stop this... but why... he frowns, tears threatening to spill.

"appa." taehyun's voice broke the heavy silence. hueningkai swiftly looked up, concealing his tears. "yes, hyun?" he replied, managing a smile.

"when is their funeral?" taehyun's question sounded innocent, but the pain within was evident.

"I'm not certain," hueningkai responded, concern clouding his face. he sensed taehyun's anguish; beomgyu had been taehyun's closest companion, and his absence left a profound emptiness.

"okay." taehyun echoed, retreating back to his room. the lack of emotion in his reply worried hueningkai. he desperately hoped that his son wouldn't be enveloped by depression.


taehyun entered his classroom, wearing an expression devoid of emotion. it remained unchanged as the classmates immediately targeted him.

"oh my god? isn't beomgyu deceased? i thought you guys were besties 4 lifers~!" a girl taunted, striking a pose and laughing.

"damn, he dead as hell. literally!" another guy chimed in, joining the laughter.

however, taehyun continued to gaze at them, his face an impassive mask. it was oddly unsettling; his expressionless demeanor made it impossible to discern his feelings, leaving those who were teasing him with a sense of discomfort. the laughter quickly subsided, replaced by forced coughs and awkward smiles.

as he took his seat, taehyun pondered the evident dislike people harbored toward beomgyu. it made no sense to him. beomgyu was always timid, quick to apologize for anything, and often avoided social interactions out of fear of conflict. perhaps he was introverted, but the level of animosity shown after his death bewildered taehyun. the realization of this mindset sickened him, prompting deep reflection on the troubling nature of people's judgments.


he endured relentless taunts about his friend's death, an incessant onslaught that seemed to have no end. however, taehyun refused to give them the reaction they craved. the bullies expected tears, anger, or a fight, but instead, he wore a stoic expression, resolute in minding his own business. Underneath that composed facade, emotions churned - embarrassment, frustration, and profound sadness. he chose not to show vulnerability, understanding that revealing it would only invite more torment.

It was disheartening; he couldn't even grieve for his best friend in peace.


taehyun gazed at beomgyu's lifeless form, carefully prepared to present a semblance of normalcy. yet, he could discern the signs of decay that had taken hold over time. doubts lingered - did beomgyu truly perish in the fire, or was there something more sinister at play?

"i miss you," he murmured, hoping beomgyu's spirit could hear his words. he observed the once vibrant features, now muted and altered - ginger hair now dim, warm skin turned pale and lifeless, eyes losing their luster. the sight unnerved him, but he resisted looking away, facing the painful reality of losing the one he loved.

he gently placed a flower beside beomgyu, a small gesture to express his love. memories of their friendship flooded his mind - laughter, late-night talks, and secrets shared during midnight sleepovers. he longed for those moments, realizing they were now forever lost.

as the tears welled up in his eyes, he let them fall. He was hurting, struggling to cope with the void left by beomgyu's absence. he reality was cruel, but he vowed to remember beomgyu for the person he truly was - kind, gentle, and full of love.

. . .

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do you really thing its over? . . .

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638 words
- miri<3 🐰

i hoped you like thisss,
it's super short but thats fine.

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