Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hyunjin woke up earlier than usual the next morning. He quietly slid out of bed, tiptoeing down the stairs and into the kitchen.  He scanned over Felix's pantry and fridge, seeing what was stocked up. 

Hyunjin smiled to himself as he started, he picked out a few ingredients, flour, eggs, sugar, eggs, butter, vanilla extract, salt, baking powder, milk, and blueberries.  

He preheated the oven before getting out a pan and spraying it with non-stick spray. He carefully started mixing together all the wet ingredients in one bowl, and then all the dry ingredients in another, before combining them together. Once that was all mixed together, he finally added in the blueberries, carefully folding the batter over itself until it was combined. 

Using the spatula, Hyunjin carefully poured out a little bit of the batter into the individual cups in the pan, smiling to himself as he put them in the oven and set a timer. 

Hyunjin quickly walked upstairs, sneaking back inside Felixs room to grab a new pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. 

He snuck off to the bathroom, deciding he had enough time to get in a quick shower before the timer went off. 

Hyunjin felt the water wash over his body, letting the warm feeling fully wake him up. He quickly shampooed his hair and washed his body, loving the rose scented soap that Felix used. Once he was done, he quickly turned off the water, dried his body, and slipped on the clean clothes he stole from Felix. At this point, Hyunjin wore Felix's clothes more than he wore his own. 

Glancing at his timer, Hyunjin realized that he still had 5 more minutes before he had to get the pan out of the oven. 

Smiling to himself, Hyunjin quietly walked back into Felix's room, sitting down beside the sleeping boy. Hyunjin placed his hand on Felix's back, softly whispering, "Wake up sleepy head."

Felix sleepily turned onto his back, grumbling softly as he said, "Why?" 

Hyunjin smiled fondly, "I made you breakfast, figured you might want to come eat while they're still warm." 

Felix slowly opened his eyes, innocently interlacing his hand with Hyunjin's as he said, "Okay, I'll be down in a second." 

A soft chuckle escaped Hyunjin's lips, "I'll wait for you in the kitchen." Hyunjin walked back downstairs just in time to get the pan out of the oven. 

He let them cool down for a second as he pulled out two plates, and some powdered sugar. He carefully put back the other ingredients he took out earlier, taking a few seconds to clean up his mess. 

Before he could do much more, Felix sleepily walked into the kitchen, a blanket wrapped around him. He quietly walked over to Hyunjin, leaning into the taller boy as he asked, "what did you make?" 

Hyunjin proudly smiled as he wrapped on arm around Felix's waist. "Well, I made you my grandma's homemade blueberry muffins. They were my favorite snack when I was younger." 

Felix smiled, "That sounds amazing Hyunjin." 

Hyunjin walked over to the stove, where the pan of muffins was cooling down. "Go ahead and sit down, I'll grab on for you." 

Felix nodded his head before sitting down on one of the barstools at the island counter. He watched as Hyunjin placed two muffins on two plates, then softly sprinkling a little powdered sugar over them both. He placed one of the plates in front of Felix, and the other by the seat next to Felix. 

Hyunjin sat down beside Felix, who was still wrapped up in his blanket. "Go ahead and take a bite, I want to know what you think." 

Felix nodded his head, looking at how perfect the muffin looked before taking a bite. His eyes immediately lit up as he turned to look at Hyunjin. Felix quickly swallowed his first bite before speaking, "These are amazing Hyunjin!" 

Hyunjin let out a small breath of relief. "Good, I'm glad you like them." 

"Like? I love them!" Felix exclaimed, taking another bite. 

Hyunjin laughed as he began eating his muffin as well, feeling a small burst of confidence as he watched Felix happily eat his muffin. 

They ate in a comfortable silence for a few moments until Hyunjin spoke up, "Uhm, so I was thinking." Hyunjin began to say, watching how Felix looked over at him in wonder. "I was hoping you'd want to go on a date with me today?" 

Felix's face turned a soft shade of pink at the idea, pausing for a seconds before he answered. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." 

Hyunjin smiled brightly, "Perfect! I'm going to run home and change my clothes; I'll be back here to pick you up around 12:00!" Hyunjin started quickly picking up his mess, taking care of his plate and bagging up the rest of the muffins for Felix to have. 

Felix watched in amusement as Hyunjin ran upstairs to change back into his clothes from the other day. 

Hyunjin ran back downstairs as he spoke, "Wear something casual! I'll be back soon to pick you up!" Without thinking, Hyunjin gave Felix a gentle kiss on the cheek as he walked out the door, "Bye Lix! See you soon!" 

Felix sat there in slight shock as he processed what just happened. "I am going on a date with Hyunjin... and he just kissed my cheek... huh." Felix softly mumbled to himself as he wandered upstairs in a daze. 

Let's just hope this date was going to go well... 

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