Chapter Nineteen

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Hyunjin walked back into the kitchen, glancing around at everyone scattered around the room. Noticing his presence, Changbin spoke up. "Guys I had an idea for what we could do today!"

They all turned their attention to the short boy as he continued to speak, "I was thinking we could all go to the amusement park? You know, because it's so nice outside."

Several mumbles of agreement were heard from the group as they thought over the idea. Chan clapped his hands together, "Perfect! Now that we have something planned, let's all get ready!"

Everyone dispersed into different rooms, each of the boys carrying their bags with them. Felix went to change in one of the bathrooms, throwing on the pair of baggy jeans he had packed, and a black graphic t-shirt.

He quickly fixed up his hair, washed his face, and then left the room to go find the others. Felix silently hoped it wouldn't just be him and Hyunjin waiting together. Even though they all went to change at the same time, what if the other took a lot longer?

Felix let out the breath he didn't know he was holding when he saw that it was just Minho, Seungmin, and Jeongin out on the sofas.

Felix let himself fall down onto the spot besides Minho, nudging the older as he did. "Hey, are you going to be okay today? I know you don't really like heights..." Felix softly asked, feeling concerned for his friend.

Minho smiled softly, patting Felix's head softly. Minho's arm naturally fell around Felix's shoulder as he replied, "I'll be okay. I probably won't go on too many of the rides though."

Felix nodded happily; his attention quickly being pulled away when Hyunjin walked in the room.

Felix gulped softly when Hyunjin's eyes met his. Felix watched the soft smile creep up Hyunjin's face as they looked at each other for a second. It wasn't until Hyunjin's gaze shifted slightly that Hyunjin's smile fell a bit.

Felix felt his heartbeat quicken in anxiety as Hyunjin walked over towards him, sitting down right beside him.

Hyunjin looked over at Felix, calming sliding his arm around Felix's shoulder, pushing off Minho's arm in the process.

Minho didn't notice, but Felix did. What was up with Hyunjin today?

Felix glanced around, making sure all of the other were occupied before leaning over and whispering into Hyunjin's ear. "Can we talk about last night? You know, what you said?"

Felix could see the small smile Hyunjin was trying to hide, growing slightly annoyed when Hyunjin shook his head in denial.

Before Felix could urge further, Seungmin spoke up, "Alright, I think everyone is done getting ready. Should we head out now?"

Everyone nodded their heads, following Seungmin and Chan out the door. "I think it'll be easiest if we take two cars." Jeongin spoke up.

Chan nodded his head in agreement as they split up the cars. "Okay, so that's Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Felix with me. And then, Han, Changbin, and Jeongin with Minho!" Chan announced as they made their way to the cars.

Felix mentally grimaced. He really didn't want to be in a car with Hyunjin at the moment. Just thinking about what Hyunjin said made Felix feel awkward. Now he would be stuck in the car with him for 20 minutes.

Felix took in a deep breath; it was going to be okay. Besides, Minho and Seungmin were also in the car, if he just got in the passenger's seat, he wouldn't have to interact with Hyunjin at all!

With this plan in mind, Felix quickly followed Minho to his car.

However, his plan ultimately failed when Seungmin beat him to the seat, quickly claiming it to be his.

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