Chapter Eleven

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Hyunjin ran up the pathway to Felix's house, quickly knocking on the front door. Hyunjin waited impatiently for a few moments before loudly knocking on the door again.

A second later the door swung open to reveal a short girl with long brown hair. She had a look of annoyance on her face as she spoke. "Would you quit that banging?!" She directed at Hyunjin, then mumbling to herself, "Gosh, kids these days have no patience."

Hyunjin looked at the girl in confusion, "Uhm, I'm sorry... Who are you though? I was looking for Felix?"

The girl rolled her eyes, still looking quite annoyed as she responded, "I'm his older sister Rachel. Who are you and why are you looking for my brother?"

Hyunjin's mouth made an O shape as he suddenly saw the resemblance between the siblings. "I'm Felix's friend, I was coming to make sure he was okay," Hyunjin replied softly, not wanting to make her more annoyed.

At that statement, Rachels eye's lit up. "You were coming to take care of him, right?"

Hyunjin hesitantly nodded his head, opening his mouth to reply, but was quickly cut off by Rachel dragging him inside.

"This is just perfect!" She began to speak as she grabbed her coat and purse, quickly slipping on her shoes. "I need to get back to work, so he's in your care now!"

Hyunjin nodded slowly, watching as the girl gathered her things. "Sounds good." He spoke softly, not really sure what to do.

Once Rachel was finally ready to go, she paused in front of Hyunjin for a moment, "He's upstairs in his room right now, and he already had something to eat so he should be fine for a while. He really just needs to get some sleep."

Hyunjin nodded, watching as Rachel opened the front door and walked out, quickly turning around to say, "Goodluck, and thank you!" Before running out to her car, which Hyunjin apparently missed when he arrived.

Hyunjin sighed softly, closing the front door and making his way upstairs. He softly pushed open Felix's door, expecting to see Felix sleeping, but instead the small boy was scrolling through his phone.

"Knock knock," Hyunjin said softly, stepping into Felix's room.

Felix's eyes lit up as he replied, "Hyunjin! What are you doing here?" He glanced behind Hyunjin, lowering his voice as he added, "Did my sister finally leave?"

Hyunjin laughed, going to sit on the end of Felix's bed. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Bangchan said you felt lightheaded? And yes, your sister just left."

Felix smiled as he sat up, reaching over and softly ruffling Hyunjin's hair. "Aww, you care about me!" Felix teased, feeling playful.

Hyunjin nodded, "I do."

Felix blushed faintly at the serious tone in Hyunjin's voice. He looked down at his hands, quietly mumbling a 'thank you.'

Hyunjin suddenly held his hand out as he spoke. "Now hand me your phone."

Felix furrowed his eyebrows, "What? No way!"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Your sister said you need sleep, and we both know that wont happen if you have your phone."

Felix groaned loudly, reluctantly handing his phone over. Hyunjin smiled as he stood up, "Alright, you get some sleep. I'll just be downstairs if you need anything."

"You're worse than my sister." Felix mumbled out, covering himself in blankets.

Hyunjin smiled, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."


It had been a little under an hour since Hyunjin had left Felix. The taller boy laid across Felix's couch, playing games on his phone when he suddenly heard something.

"Hyunjin!!" Felix's voice called out faintly.

Hyunjin quickly stood up, rushing up the stairs and into Felix's room. "What's the matter?" Hyunjin spoke loudly, scanning the room for any dangers.

However the only thing he could find was a whiney Felix, "I can't sleep..." He whined out, looking annoyed at himself.

Hyunjin didn't bother trying not to smile as he walked over to Felix, "You're like a little baby, you know that?" Hyunjin teased, looking down at Felix.

Felix quickly sat up, defending himself as he yelled back, "I am not!"

Hyunjin smirked softly, raising an eyebrow as he asked, "So you weren't just about to ask me to cuddle you to sleep?"

Felix held his head high, "No I was not."

"Oh really? Than I guess I'll just go." Hyunjin teased further, turning to leave.

He got all the way to the door before he was stopped by a soft voice, "Wait..."

Hyunjin turned around to face Felix, "Yes?" He pushed on even though he knew what Felix wanted.

Felix sighed, admitting defeat as he whispered out, "Can you please come lay with me...?"

Hyunjin smiled at the embarrassed Felix, walking back over to his bed, "Only because you're so cute." He said, motioning for Felix to slide over.

The smaller boy complied, sliding over and holding his arms open for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin joking groaned as he slid under the covers and into Felix's arms, "You're so clingy."

Felix snuggled into Hyunjin's body, their stomachs pressed against each other, their legs tangled together, and their arms around each other. "Don't act like you don't love it." He mumbled against Hyunjin's chest.

"Shhh! That's supposed to be a secret." Hyunjin replied, placing his chin on top of Felix's head.

"Yeah, yeah, just shut up now." Felix said quietly, suddenly feeling sleepy.

"I will leave this bed." Hyunjin threatened playfully.

"I'll call Chan." Felix replied calmly.

"Shut up and go to sleep you jerk." Hyunjin grumbled out.

"And I'm the clingy one?"


A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to update! Please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed!

And for anyone who doesn't already know, I do have another completed HyunLix story on my profile if you also want to give that a try! :)

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