Chapter Four

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Felix and Hyunjin walked side by side, back into the lunch room, joining their friends once again.

"Hey guys! What was that about?" Chan asked, curiously, glancing in between the boys.

Felix smiled softly, "Oh, Hyunjin was just helping me with something."

Chan raised an eyebrow as he looked over at Hyunjin, "Oh really?" Hyunjin simple shrugged in return, going back to eating his food.

When the lunch bell rang, the other boys all rushed to put away their stuff, not wanting to be late. Hyunjin and Felix simply took their time, making Han look at them in confusion once again. "Uhm, aren't you guys going to be late for class?" He asked carefully. The other boys looked at the pair, feeling curious too.

Hyunjin didn't even look up at them as he calmly replied, "We're skipping the last 2 hours of school today."

The group all glanced at each other in confusion, watching as the pair packed up their stuff and walked off.

"Am I the only one that's super confused right now?" Seungmin asked carefully.

"Definitely not."


"I'm so lost."


Felix glanced over at Hyunjin as they walked, "You know, it's a little mean, but I kind of enjoy making them confused."

Hyunjin smirked, looking back at Felix, "Yeah, same."

A comfortable silence fell over the boys as they left the school, making sure to go through one of the side doors so that the teachers wouldn't see them.

After a moment, Felix finally spoke up as he asked, "So Hyunjin, where do you usually go when you skip school?"

Hyunjin hummed in thought, a faint smile on his face as he realized how innocent Felix was. "I don't know, it just depends on the day. Sometimes I'll go to the park and hang out there."

Felix nodded his head, "I say we do that!"

Hyunjin's smile grew a bit, "Okay, if that's where you want to go."

Felix nodded again, following Hyunjin down the sidewalk. The boys walked side by side, talking about whatever came to mind.

After a few minutes they had finally reached the park. Felix's eyes immediately lit up at the beautiful image in front of him.

"This is so pretty! I didn't even know this park was here." Felix said loudly, scanning his eyes over all the tall trees.

Hyunjin smiled, "Yeah, not a lot of people know it's here. That's why I usually come to this park instead of the others."

Felix returned the smile as he turned to face Hyunjin. "C'mon Hyunjin, lets go find somewhere to hang out."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, "I usually just sit at the benches over there." He replied, gesturing to an old bench.

Felix jokingly looked at Hyunjin as he said, "That's so boring."

Hyunjin shrugged at the boy, not knowing what else to say.

Motioning for Hyunjin to follow him, Felix said, "Just follow me. I'm going to find us somewhere interesting to hangout."

Hyunjin skeptically followed Felix, feeling slightly amused at how dedicated Felix was to finding them a better spot.

It only took a few minutes for Felix to find a pond with a little dock for them to sit at. "Hah! See, I told you we could find somewhere better to sit." Felix said proudly, grabbing Hyunjin's hand, leading them to the dock.

Hyunjin felt his breath hitch at the sudden contact. He was still getting used to how touchy Felix was. Hyunjin had never been a touchy person, and was often known for pushing off his friends advances. However, Felix was much different than Chan and Minho. Felix was much softer than them. He couldn't handle something like that, so, Hyunjin would just have to learn to like it.

Hyunjin allowed Felix to drag him down the dock, towards the little bench at the end. The pair sat down carefully, making sure the bench was stable.

It didn't take long before they got back to talking about anything and everything. Felix and Hyunjin both felt a little surprised at how easy it was to talk with each other.

The boys talked and played around until the sky started to get darker. Felix glanced down at his phone before saying, "Ah, it's getting kind of late. We should probably go home now."

Hyunjin sighed, standing up and offering a hand to Felix. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

Felix accepted the hand with a mischievous smile, "Ooohh, what a gentleman!" He teased, softly poking his friends side and he stood.

"Yeah, yeah, start walking shortie." Hyunjin responded calmly as he started walking down the dock.

Felix gasped dramatically, "That is so rude!" He said loudly, trying to attract the taller mans attention.

Hyunjin turned around to look at Felix, seeing the boy dramatically standing there with a hand over his heart as he fake cried.

"Oh, a shortie and a baby." Hyunjin playfully said with a smile.

Felix tried to hide his smile, "Stop!" he ultimately failed as he laughed loudly, "Seriously though Hyunjin. You don't have to walk me home."

A faint smile lingered on Hyunjin's face as he said, "It's okay. I don't want to go home yet anyways."

Felix frowned at those words, "You know, you said the exact same thing yesterday when we got ice cream."

Hyunjin's smile fell as he looked down at the ground.

"Hyunjin, you know if somethings wrong you can tell me, right?" Felix added carefully, stepping closer to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin shrugged once again, "It's really not that big of a deal. My parents just have their own ways of loving me."

Felix placed a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder as he asked, "What do you mean by that Hyunjin?"

"I don't know. They're just really... pushy." Hyunjin hesitated, but decided to continue. "They've never really paid much attention to me. At least, until I do something wrong. Then they pay attention to me by yelling."

Felix nodded carefully, letting Hyunjin continue. "They really don't yell at me that much, just when I do something bad."

"Like skipping class?" Felix asked gently, not wanting to push Hyunjin too far.

Hyunjin looked down to keep Felix from seeing his watery eyes, "Yeah."

Felix thought in silence for a moment before hesitantly speaking up. "Uhm, this might sound a little weird... But I have an idea for you."

Hyunjin quickly wiped his eyes, looking up at Felix as he said, "Felix it's really not that big of a deal-"

Felix quickly shushed him as he said, "What if you stay the night at my house?"

Hyunjin's eyes widened slightly, "Felix I couldn't ask you to do that."

Felix shook his head, "You aren't asking. I'm inviting you. What do you say?"

Hyunjin smiled down at Felix, and for the first time, Hyunjin stepped forward and wrapped Felix in a hug. "Thank you, Felix."

"Eh, it's what friends are for."

A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote!!

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