Chapter Eighteen

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Felix slowly opened his eyes, immediately being met with the sight of a sleeping Hyunjin.

A red tint crossed Felix's face as he slowly got up, being careful not to wake Hyunjin.

After their little talk last night, Felix did not get much sleep. His mind was running in circles the entire night, thinking over what Hyunjin had told him.

Hyunjin, on the other hand, passed out almost immediately.

Felix ran a hand through his messy hair, gazing down at Hyunjin as he thought.

After the short talk last night, Hyunjin refused to say anything else, immediately laying down and falling asleep.

Did Hyunjin confess to him last night, or was he genuinely just curious?

Or maybe Hyunjin thought that he liked him?

Felix groaned softly, getting frustrated at Hyunjins confusing actions.

Felix looked around at all of the others scattered throughout the room on various air mattresses. From what he could tell, they were all still very much asleep.

Felix carefully grabbed his phone, checking any notifications and such.

It was almost 9:30, and Felix knew he wasn't going to get any more sleep.

He slowly got out of bed, quietly making his way upstairs.

He grabbed an orange off of Chan's kitchen counter, peeling it quickly as he sat down at the table.

Being the only person in the house who was awake, he had the entire kitchen to himself to think.

The intimacy of Hyunjins words replayed over and over again in his head. What exactly was Hyunjin trying to accomplish?

Felix wasn't lying when he told Hyunjin that he wasn't ready for a relationship.

He had liked Wooyoung for several months and only recently started moving on from him.

It may sound dumb because they were never dating, but Felix was absolutely heartbroken when he found out that Wooyoung was dating someone.

Even if he tried not to show it often, just being in Wooyoungs presence was hard for the first few days.

And now Hyunjin, who knew what Felix just went through, was asking if Felix would ever consider dating him?

Felix's eyebrows furrowed in thought. He knew Hyunjin wasn't trying to be mean, but the question in itself was a bit unfair.

Of course, Hyunjin was absolutely amazing. He was handsome, kind, caring, and he genuinely was a good match for Felix's personality. But dating just wasn't something that was on Felix's mind yet.

The worst part is that Felix didn't even know if Hyunjin really had feelings for him.

Sure, a part of Felix wanted to smack himself and say, 'Well, why would he say those things if he didn't like you?'

But at the same time, he couldn't help but wonder if it was just Hyunjin being genuinely curious or something dumb like that.

Felix groaned, resting his head down on the counter as he closed his eyes.

The soft sound of someone walking up the stairs made Felix snap his head up.

Two thoughts ran through his mind at the exact time.

'Please don't be Hyunjin, I really don't want to face this right now.'


'If it is Hyunjin, we could talk before the others wake up...'

The air felt tense as he waited for someone to walk into the kitchen and join him.

When it was Chan who came around the corner, Felix couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

"Oh, Felix? How long have you been awake?" Chan asked sleepily, dragging his feet behind him as he went to sit by Felix.

Felix sighed, "Just for a few minutes."

Chan nodded before resting his head down on Felix's shoulder as he closed his eyes.

Neither of the boys said anything as they say there. Felix slowly scrolled through tiktok, allowing Chan to rest his eyes a bit more.

One by one, the rest of the boys joined them. Each time Felix could feel his heart rate increase, he was getting anxious to see how Hyunjin would act.

Of course, Hyunjin had to be the last person to wake up.

It had only been about 30 minutes since Chan joined him in the kitchen, but it felt like a weight was lifted off his chest when Hyunjin slowly stumbled into the room.

Hyunjin mumbled something about everyone leaving him before actually walking into the kitchen.

Hyunjins' eyes immediately widened a bit when he saw Chan leaning on Felix's shoulder.

Hyunjin's eyes stayed on Felix and Chan as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

Without a word, Hyunjin walked over and sat down across from Chan and Felix, silently examining their position a bit more.

Felix stayed looking down at his phone, trying to ignore the way Hyunjin was looking at them.

After a second more, Hyunjin spoke up as he said, "Hey Chan? Can you show me where the bathroom is again?"

Chan rubbed his eyes softly as he stood up, "Yeah, follow me."

Felix ignored the look Hyunjin gave him as both boys walked away.

Felix let out a sigh once they had left the kitchen.

It was going to be a long day if he didn't talk to Hyunjin soon.

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is a bit shorter! I want to make everything for the next chapter go together!

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