Chapter Seven

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"Hyunjin!~" Felix loudly whined as he pulled on the taller boys hand. "Please come make a fort with me! I promise it'll be fun!"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he rejected the boys offer for the millionth time. "I am not making a fort Felix. If you want to, that's fine, I am not."

Felix frowned slightly, but it quickly faded as his eyes lit up with an idea. Felix stopped pulling on Hyunjin's hand, stepping back away from the boy as he crossed his arms.

Felix put on a serious look before saying, "Hyunjin, if you don't help me build a fort, I will stop talking to you."

Hyunjin scoffed as he playfully said, "Finally, some peace and quiet."

Felix shrugged, not showing any emotion as he suddenly left the room to go make a fort by himself.

Hyunjin sat on Felix's bed with a confused look on his face. Was Felix actually going to ignore him?

Hyunjin scoffed, "Let's see how long he can last." Hyunjin mumbled to himself before sitting back on Felix's bed.

10 minutes...

30 minutes...

1 hour...

2 hours...

Hyunjin sighed as he threw his phone down. Was Felix really going to be this stubborn?

Hyunjin quickly made his way downstairs, calling out to Felix as he did. "Alright, Felix! You win! Can we actually hang out now?"

No response...

Hyunjin frowned, wondering if Felix had fallen asleep.

As he turned the corner into the living room, his questions were answered. There was a big fort in the middle of the room, and Hyunjin could see a very much awake Felix laying inside of the fort.

"Felix?" Hyunjin said softly, looking down at the boy.

Still no answer.

Hyunjin scoffed slightly, "Are you really going to ignore me?" He said as he sat down beside Felix.

With still no answer, Hyunjin started poking the small boys' side, "Felix~, please talk to me. I'm bored."

Before Hyunjin could get a reaction out of Felix, the freckled boy casually stood up, stepping over Hyunjin as he walked towards the kitchen.

Hyunjin frowned once more, getting up to follow the boy.

When Hyunjin got to the kitchen, Felix was leaning against the counter, holding himself with his elbows as he looked down at his phone with a faint smile.

Hyunjins frown grew as he walked behind Felix, peaking over his shoulder to see what was so interesting.

"Are you seriously texting Minho right now?" Hyunjin said, slightly annoyed as he looked down at Felix's phone.

No response.

Hyunjin didn't even bother to think before he tightly wrapped his arms around Felix's torso, burying his head into Felix's neck as he trapped Felix in a back hug

Felix initially froze at the sudden contact, but it was what Hyunjin did after that made Felix almost explode.

"Felix... please talk to me... I miss you. I'm sorry..." Hyunjin mumbled against Felix's neck, practically begging Felix to talk to him.

Yes, you heard that right folks. Mr. "Don't fucking touch me," was whining into Felix's shoulder.

When Felix realized that Hyunjin was not letting him go, he finally surrendered.

"Fine, we can hang out now. Sorry for ignoring you." Felix said softly, texting a quick goodbye to Minho.

"Hmm, thank you." Hyunjin hummed, still very much holding onto Felix.

Felix raised an eyebrow, lifting up his hand and softly ruffling Hyunjin's hair before asking, "You know you can let go now, right? I'm already talking. There's no point in me ignoring you again."

Hyunjin smiled against Felix's neck, his warm breath sending shivers down Felix's spine. "I know, this is just really comfortable."

Felix smiled at the idea of Hyunjin finding comfort in him. Without saying anything more, Felix turned around in Hyunjins arms so that he was facing him, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's neck and pulling him into an actual hug.

Both the boys sighed into the hug, finding that they had actually missed each other quite a bit since a few hours before.

After a few moments, the pair had finally pulled away from each other, both of them silently agreeing not to talk about that extra long hug that they both clearly needed.

"I think we have some ice cream in the fridge. We could eat ice cream and watch movies in the fort?" Felix suggested, trying to find something for them to do.

Hyunjin nodded, "That sounds perfect."

Felix smiled before walking over to the freezer and pulling out a small tub of vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

"Dont worry, I didn't forget about your love for chocolate ice cream." Felix said teasingly before handing the tub to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin smiled, grabbing out two bowls for each of them. "Thanks," He said calmly as he watched Felix scoop out some ice cream for himself and then handing the scooper to Hyunjin.

Felix grabbed his bowl as he spoke, "Alright, I'm going to go look for a movie. Just put the ice cream away when you're done."

Hyunjin nodded, watching as Felix walked off towards the living room.


Hyunjin and Felix sat beside each other, eating their ice cream slowly, focusing more on their movie.

At some point during the movie, Hyunjin looked over at Felix, immediately noticing something.

"Oh, Felix, you have some ice cream on your lip." Hyunjin pointed out softly.

"Really?" Felix said before trying to wipe it off. "Did I get it?"

Hyunjin laughed, "Not quite, here, let me help you."

Hyunjin reached over, carefully brushing his thumb over Felix's lip to get the ice cream off.

Felix's eyes widened at how intimate the small act was, feeling Hyunjins warm skin against his lip.

When Hyunjin finally pulled away, he seemed oblivious to the situation, even with how red Felix's face was.

"There, all good." Hyunjin said, focusing back on the movie.

Felix nodded before whispering a quick, "Thank you."

Once they were both done, Felix quickly put their bowls in the kitchen, running back into the living room.

He laid down inside the fort, wrapping himself in a blanket.

Hyunjin watched as Felix lay down beside him, immediately laying down as well, pulling Felix into his side.

Felix laughed lightly as Hyunjin hugged his side.

"What's so funny, mister?" Hyunjin asked softly.

Felix smiled as he looked over at Hyunjin. "I don't know, I'm just a little surprised at how cuddly you are."

Hyunjin looked at Felix with a smile, "Can I tell you a secret?"

Felix raised an eyebrow before nodding his head.

"It's only for you. You're the only person who had made me enjoy any sort of physical contact." Hyunjin replied, resting his head on top of Felix's, going back to his movie as if nothing happened.

A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote!!

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