Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Loki and Elizabeth were on the bus when a voice interrupted their thoughts. They recognized it by past times. The voice said "There is one last memory for you to see. This time you will stay awake though." Loki gave a sideways glance to his fiancé. She breathed and nodded; glad they were sitting down rather than standing. It would only look as if the couple had become lost in thought.

Their minds were transported to Asgard. Loki was walking with Baldor. They were laughing when Baldor collapsed seizing on the bifrost. There was a dark shadow over him smiling at the tortured look on the boys face.

"Baldor, no! What are you doing?"

"I am acting upon my revenge." The shadow answered

"Cronus." Loki growled

"You cheated me. You and the wretched woman I once called my wife." Cronus cursed

"No, we were saving Baldor and clearing my name."

"You still cheated Death."

"Stop! Leave him be. Inflict your wrath upon me."

"No, he was mine and you took him from my power."

"It was never your choice Love." A voice cut in.

Loki turned to see Gallana standing behind him and Death. He smiled knowing all would be right. She was Mother Nature after all. Even Death had to listen to her; she made him who he was. He had to obey her.

Gallana walked towards Death when he said "Come any closer and I will kill the boy." She stopped and hissed "I can turn your bones to dust, do not threaten me!" her look was dark with fury.

"Then he and all others will be lost to you. You cannot save him this time."

"You have tortured Baldor long enough; we know you are the reason for his terrible nightmares and all the pains that attack him. Let him be now."

"Mother what are you doing here? What is happening to Baldor?" Hela walked up.

She was now fifteen. She was to meet with Baldor and her father to discuss their courtship. When she had arrived to Asgard, Baldor had taken an immediate liking to Hela. She had grown fond of him as she grew. They only saw fit to discuss it with Loki. She was escorted by Jorgumandr and Fenrir.

"Death has taken hold of him." Loki answered

"What is your price name it, and it shall be fulfilled. I will pay for it myself." Gallana pleaded

"No." Loki and Hela whispered

"Mother you realize what it may cost?" Jorgumandr questioned

"You would find a way to save Baldor and everyone else who has died. You have power over death." Fenrir assured his mother.

"Done!" Death cried out

"What is the price?"

"To be a mistress of the underworld. To bring in and welcome the spirits who come into my rule and power. Then and only then will I leave Baldor at peace. This will satisfy me."

"Gallana no, I will not allow it!" Loki objected

"I must or we may lose Baldor."

"I will go." Hela interjected

"What?" All on the bridge asked

"Hela, no." Baldor whispered

"I will go. My mother does not need to be tortured by you or your memory anymore. It is worth all the love I have for Baldor. Take me."

"Very well."

"You will not be able to touch me after this. I believe this is a fitting calling for me. I look half dead with my burn scars anyways."

"Hela you will be at his bidding; why?" Gallana asked

"Because, I am greater than he is. I am the daughter of Gallana and Lokane; this makes me of the most royal birth. He cannot touch me." Hela smiled

Loki and Gallana smiled at this. Their daughter was smart. If she believed she could be the queen of the underworld, she could be. Hades would take care of her as well. They knew this. They also knew she would not begin her mission until she was eighteen. Because she had settled the payment though, Death could no longer harm Baldor. She had won Death's game.

"You have our consent then." Gallana said

"This knife was to be a wedding gift for you. I want you to have it now." Loki presented his finest knife to Hela

She took it carefully smiling at her father. She walked over to Baldor and released him from his torture. Pointing the knife at Death she whispered "If I hear of you coming near my Baldor again; I will cut your innards out and wear them as a necklace. Do you understand?" Death only nodded his bones paling. "Good, now leave."

Death obeyed leaving the family. They spoke softly to one another. There was a wedding to be planned. Gallana smiled sadly as she listened to what preparations would be needed. Loki noticed. Taking her aside he kissed her gently.

"What is wrong My Love?"

"I will not be able to attend our daughter's weddng. I was only able to come here because of mine own anger at Cronus. Odin will be here any minute. The magic is also waning and pulling me towards Midgard again. I do not have much longer. I also came to tell you Camelot is gone. We had a daughter but, she died in the war of Camelot. It was a sorceress battle and..."

"She was no match for you. I know, I saw. You cannot help if she turns against you."

"I could have stopped it though. Perhaps if I said I would not fight my own kin she would have seen after giving me a few blows. It is too late now."

"If you had Morgan Le Fey would have called you a coward. You are the most valiant woman I know. Do not think so little of yourself. She made her choice. You did well. I only wish we had more time. We cannot perform a wedding as we did with ours here. I will tell our children of what happened. They will be deeply sorrowed. I love you. Now go."

Loki kissed Gallana one last time before she left. She clung to him as if it were the last time they would see each other. When she felt the gravity pull her away she let her embrace loosen. With tears in her eyes she blew one last kiss to Loki. He returned the favor before turning to give the sad news to his children.

The vision ended. Loki and Elizabeth had tears in their eyes. It seemed life for this couple was a tragedy. Where was the hope? Elizabeth looked at Loki mirroring the despair in his eyes. She leaned into him wrapping her arms around his chest. He copied her motion and kissed her head. Both looked forward as they were almost home. Secretly they both vowed to let nothing part them no matter the cost. Their wish would come true.

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