Punishment Ducking

Start bij het begin

"What? That's not right! But how to stop him?" The blue haired boy questioned. "Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope? Or maybe I could... Hmm... No..." He put a questioning hand to his chin.

"I don't care how! Just do something!" yelled Grim. "Anything!"

"Anything? Huh, alright!" He pulled out his own red jeweled pen. "Here goes nothing! I summon thee... something heavy!"

A giant cauldron appeared out of thin air and landed on Ace. "Bwaaah? Wha? A pot?" Ace cried.

Grim doubled over laughing. "Ah ha ha ha ha! Look Y/N, that Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat! Aha ha ha!"

The blue haired boy tilted his head. "A cauldron? I wasn't expecting that. I may have overdone it this time."

"Owwww!" Ace ensued his point. "What are you bothering me for? You guys coulda just banged out the work yourself!"

You crossed your arms. "There's no 'banging out' a hundred windows!" You yell back to Ace who's struggling to get out from under the cauldron. "It was the headmage's orders!"

"You have to wash a hundred windows as a punishment? What the heck did you do?" The blue haired boy cried out in shock.

Ace, finally free, dusted himself off. "I was just screwing with that furball a little." You and Grim glared at him. "Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a teeny bit charred. Sue me." He shrugged.

The blue haired boy recoiled in shock. "You damaged a statue of the Great Seven?" He shook his head. "No wonder he flew off the handle at you." He pointed at Ace. "After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?"

Ace scoffed. "Oh shut up."

Now that things have settled down, you notice more about the blue haired boy. He was around the same height as Ace, had brilliant cyan eyes, and a black spade shape over his eye. He noticed you staring, causing you to blush.

His eyes light up. "Oh you're the girl from the ceromony, correct?"

You look down. Will you ever be free from that catastrophy of a day? "That's me."

The blue haired boy gave you a little bow. "It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"Who are you anyway?" Ace asked.

"My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade. Don't you remember you own classmate? Uh..."

Ace crossed his arms and tilted his head. "You don't remember my name either, do you?"

Deuce sputtered. "That's not the point! You shouldn't try to shirk an order from the headmage!"

"Yeah yeah, message received." He sighed. "Fine, let's bang out the windows already."

"Wait," you look around the floor, searching for the little monster. "Where's Grim?"

Ace slanted his eyes. "The furball! He's gone!"

"Ah ha ha ha!" You heard Grim laugh. "I'll let you two handle the rest! See ya suckers!"

"You caught me so YOU could run away yourself?" Ace yelled at the escaping Grim. "Hey you there!" He pointed at Deuce. "Uh... Juice?"

"My name isn't 'juice'. It's Deuce! With a D!" He retorted.

"This is partially your responsibility you know! So help us catch that little furball!"

"How is this my responsibility?"

"Grim's useless janitor friend can't use magic." He pointed to you.

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