Ice spread over the ground and wrapped around Aiko as she tried to stand up. Keeping her locked in her knees. The cold embrace of Tris's ice swallowed her up, covering everything but her neck and up.

"Ugh!? Is this it?!"
Tris yelled in frustration.
"Really?! Give it your all Zhu! FIGHT ME!"
She yelled at Aiko fiercely.

Aiko blinked up at her as the ice started to spread up her neck slowly.

"Zhu can you move-"
Midnight was interrupted by Tris.

"NO! Come on do something!! What is up with you Zhu's and quitting!?"
Tris yelled and Aiko's eyes widened.

Aiko's stare became hollow, empty at her words. There was a moment of silence.

Not many people could hear, Midnight could and just flinched. In there hero course stands there were several gasps.
"Oh no she fucking didn't!"
Mina yelled, standing up from her seat.

Kirishima grabbed her and held her back from throwing herself out of the stands and beating Tris herself.

There was a loud crackling above them.

Anger was a foreign emotion to Aiko. She had rarely felt it extremely. But now she could fell pure rage crackle through her veins like electricity.
"The fuck did you just say!?"
Aiko yelled, Air blowing around them.

The clouds above started to twist, crackling with unreleased lightening. The wind picked up and Tris had to reinforce the ice around her legs. Air beat around Aiko, swarming in a circle. It chipped off loose pieces of ice and flung them back around. Piece by piece the ice around Aiko broke apart.

"Yeah! Come on! Fight me!"
Tris threw her ice at Aiko again but the wind was getting too strong. It pulled the ice away from where Tris wanted it to go and held it in it's tornado-like grasp.
Twisting it in a circle and finally breaking it against Tris's body.

This happened with every shot she took. None of the got close to Aiko. Tris had to frantically keep the ice around her legs, otherwise she would be pulled into the Tornado and end up who knows where.

Any loose items around the stadium were picked up in her wind and used as weapons and thrown into Tris and her ice.

Over and over again Aiko battered Tris with random projectiles. Hitting her over and over again, forming large bruises all on her right side.

But she still wasn't budging.

The wind slowed down and suddenly the crowd parted. Tris gasped from the sudden relief but then her eyes widened as she noticed something.

"Yo, is it just me or is it getting really hot? I didn't know it was gonna be this hot today."
Denki said, pulling off his over shirt.

"Don't be an idiot Duracell."
Bakugou scoffed.
"You're forgetting her quirk. It's not just storms, it's weather."

"And one key element in weather is temperature."
Momo Yayorozu gasped.

"Woah!! You guys feel that heat wave?! Or thermostats are saying that temperatures in that arena are reaching the high nineties and steadily rising! Not to mention the fact that the humidity has dropped by forty percent!"
Present Mic explained to the crowd.

The clouds quickly parted and the sun beat down on Tris. Aiko breathed in and out carefully as she watched Tris and waited to see what she would do.

Tris gaspedas sweat beaded on her forehead, she wiped it away and gathered it. The small amount crystalized in her plan but then quickly melted in the sun.

Not only was it hot, but it was also extremely dry. Aiko sucked the humidity from the air, knowing Tris needed water molecules to create ice.
Tris grunted and adjusted her footing, she still had the ice around her feet, but it was steadily melting. It took all of her focus to keep it up. Aiko built up wind and tried to blast Tris down.

The ice melted under the heat of the sharp dry wind. But it held up, barely.

Aiko needed more heat to take Tris down.
She walked forward to try and engage her in combat, but Tris could just move her ice. Sizzling against the hot concrete as she moved away from Aiko.

Aiko glared at Tris as the blue haired girl desperately tried to keep her distance.

Aiko looked around for a second, her quirk relied on her manipulating her environment, she couldn't just create elements like some quirks could.

She stretched her hand out to her left, gesturing over the dry grass out of bounds.
Clouds formed, temporarily covering the hot sun and giving Tris slight relief from the heat.

But that didn't last long.

Dry heat lightning crackled in the clouds and a small bolt of it twisted down, lightning up the grass with a boom. Tris flinched back and covered her eyes to shield them from the light.

The dry air and the lightening made the perfect environment to light up the dry grass around them. Lighting up to a fire that quickly spreading around the grass seeking fuel desperately.
Tris coughed as she looked around. The fire was the final element Aiko needed.

She worked up a strong wind that was mixed with fire and directly blasted the ice around Tris's feet. Tris covered her face with her hands and once the wind hit she was finally blown back.

The moment she was out of bounds Aiko ran forward. Dropping the temperature and using wind to quickly put out all of the fires. The dry burnt grass was immediately put out before Tris could even touch it.
Aiko watched nervously as the blue haired girl stood up from the hot grass and glared at Aiko.

Mic yelled over the speakers

The crowd went wild. It roared louder than they did for Aiko's last victory.
They stood up and clapped their hands together over and over again while screaming loudly.

Aiko looked around nervously and then awkwardly made her way back into the tunnel. She was sweating bullets because of the heat. She took off her jacket and searched for a water fountain, desperately drinking the cold water from it to help recover from that heat.

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