Chapter Two ~ Calling All Horses To Post

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Paddy McGuigan could sure as hell give orders. I became accustomed to that from the moment I met him. His voice boomed across the yard at six o'clock on the dot. Mucking out had already been done and usually everyone knows their business and goes about it but on a race day some things had to be sorted out.

"Four horses are racing today." he began, facing the eight of us. "Champagne Cruise, Denny Style, FernLough and of course Imperial Dust." he nodded at Jack who smiled proudly still no sense of stress or anxiety. "Now I'll be going but apart from the jockeys I need one more groom with me. I'm sure you can spare the day of research Molly?" he brought all eyes on me.

"Of course." I replied half in awe of his request. I haven't been to a race meeting in a long time but I know I used to love every part of it.

"That's it settled. Now get a move on with riding out. I don't want it to drag on on today of all days." And with that everyone was off like a bullet. I figured I'd get a start on sweeping the yard but Paddy called me back.

"Molly. The ones for the race today could do with a go on the equissage. It's in the tack room."

Quite an amazing thing the equissage. Battery operated, it fits like a glove on the horses back and massages them. It improves the circulation of blood through the horse and is especially effective before a race. I grabbed it from the tack room and got to work. I was in FernLough's stable when I heard someone occupying the neighbouring one. It was Jack.

"How's her form?" he asked as he tacked the horse in his stable.

"She seems very relaxed. I'd say that'll change with the journey to the track." I examined the mare. Aware but calm.

"No doubt. I'm sure Imperial Dust was bouncing of the walls was he?" Jack asked as he tightened his horses girth.

"Ooh yeah. I'm pretty sure he knew he was racing when he got his last big feed at twelve last night. He's mad to get going!" I stated as the equissage stopped it's session and I unstrapped it from the mare.

"Oh actually that reminds me Paddy asked if you could have them bandaged and with their travel rugs on before half one." Jack said as he led his horse out of it's stable.

"Sure, no bother." I replied closing FernLough's door. "It's half eight now and I've finished all my jobs for the morning. Will I make a start on breakfast?" Last night Jack, Peter and I discussed meals. I offerred to make breakfast, Peter said he'd make lunch and Jack got stuck with dinner. I was fairly aware that I'd be eating a jockey's diet.

"That'd be great. I just have this lot to go out and then I'm finished." He smiled appreciately.

"Okay. Don't forget to tell Peter, oh and are you allowed to be fat today?" I questioned jokingly but with a slightly serious side to it. There's no point in making a big breakfast if no one eats it. He laughed at my comical statement.

"Eh well cereal, toast and tea would be lovely?" He hinted.


"Right, that's all loaded and ready to go. Are you sure you packed everything? Four bridles, a bucket, sponge, sweat scraper, two saddles, the silks a-" Paddy rambled on pacing the side of the jeep before he actually got in it.

"Yes all's there. I checked and double checked." I confirmed with him firmly.

"Okay, good. I can bring four. Denny Styles ' owners should be here they wanted a lift. They better not be late!" He looked at his watch for about the hundreth time.

"Well I can drive because there'll be atleast two of them. Molly can come with me for company." Jack spoke up. My eyes widened. I persume that was unintentional.

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