rice balls soaked in beer

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The archer closed the third book and smiled, leaning it on a nearby shelf.

"I don't really like Little Red Riding Hood, but I'm sure you would have laughed at the part where the wolf ate grandma," she mentioned, letting out a short laugh.

The swordsman still kept his eyes closed, while breathing slowly. Cassidy sighed.

"I miss you, alcoholic. A lot, and it's only been a few hours," she stood up from the seat, just as Nami touched the door frame with her knuckles.

"I'm hungry, I'll come back and sing to him at night," she laughed, as did the navigator and left the room, walking towards the kitchen.

The brunette felt the delicious aroma of the food invade her nostrils and couldn't help but smile. She seriously was starving.

"Mmm, it smells good, what are you preparing?" she walked into the kitchen with a tiny smile.

The blonde looked at her while he was cutting the vegetables and smiled back.

"Fish," he responded.

Usopp laughed silently, covering his lips with his hand.

"Uhhh," he said, and then patted the cook's shoulder.
"What bad luck, friend. You won't be able to conquer her with your dishes today," he whispered to him just so he could hear, while he smiled.

Sanji didn't understand at first, but he understood everything when he saw the brunette's disgusted expression when she saw the fish on the table.

"She doesn't like fish ," the blonde deduced, placing a rag on his shoulder.

"What would you like to eat, Cass?" the blonde asked, catching the brunette's attention.

"Can you prepare anything?"

"Anything, for you ," he responded with a smile and Cassidy blushed even more as she watched Usopp make hearts in the air, right behind Sanji.

"Well, in that case, I would like to eat sandwiches," she approached the counter until she was in front of the cook.

"At your command, madame," he smiled delightedly.
"And you? What's happening? Don't you like fish either?" he asked, shifting his gaze to the captain of the crew.

"I love fish. I just want Zoro's sword to be ready," Luffy responded with a sincere smile, cleaning his first mates's sword.
"You know, when he wakes up."

Cassidy smiled softly.

Usopp and Sanji looked at each other, then shifted somewhat awkwardly.

"He is. . . pretty badly hurt, man," the sniper spoke.
"There's a itty-bitty chance he won't wake up." Cassidy looked down, starting to play with her fingers.

"Zoro is the strongest fighter I know. He's not going to let a simple warlord or something finish him off." 

"Yeah! Zoro will wake up. I'm sure," both Luffy and Cassidy looked at each other smiling.

"Good, but you must eat. And if you don't want fish, I got two inch t-bones in the kitchen. Or, uh, maybe you'd like a saffron risotto?" the cook named.

"Normally, I would want both. But I seriously want the waddy itchy monkey to be ready for him," the captain responded.

"The what?" Sanji frowned in confusion, as he extended the sandwich to Cassidy.

"Zoro's sword," the archer answered, taking the sandwich.

"That's right, it has a name."

"Oh. . ."the blonde nodded, although he was still slightly confused.

"Because? I don't know," Luffy responded and Cassidy shrugged, taking a big bite of the sandwich.

"He said it was kind of special," he stared at the sword, then looked at the cook.
"Hey Sanji, can you make Zoro's favorite food?" he smiled.

"Yes, of course. . ." he nodded, somewhat doubtful.
"What does he like?" he asked.

"He really likes rice balls."

"Aha. And beer!" Cassidy agreed, receiving a nod from his captain.

"What about rice balls soaked in beer?" Cassidy laughed at his friend's witticisms.
"Can you make that?"

"I can make whatever you want. Just tell me what you want," the cook smiled.

"I want him to eat. So that he regains his strength. But I also want him to sleep, so that his wounds can heal," he pointed to his chest. 
"Or maybe he just needs water. No? After that fight he must be very thirsty. But, well, you know, maybe he's just tired. We have to. . . yes, we have to let him rest," he smiled.

"Being a captain is the hardest job in the world. Yeah?" the blonde began to speak.
"Zeff once told me that making decisions is what separates the captain from the crew. And he was one of the best pirate captains I've ever known," Sanji explained.

"Was the old man a pirate?" Cassidy asked.

"Was Zeff a pirate?" it was also Luffy who asked in unison with Cassidy.

"Yes. Captain of the fearsome Cook Pirates,"  stated the cook.
"They called him the Redleg Zeff, because his boots were dyed with the blood of his enemies."

"How did you meet? Were you on his crew?" Luffy asked.

"Mmm, not like that," he gave him a sly smile and Cassidy pursed her lips at how attractive he looked.

Usopp nudged her, raising and lowering both eyebrows quickly, giving her a mischievous smile.

The three pirates in front of the cook listened to him with great attention, while they stood side by side, waiting for the blonde. He spoke with a smile and sometimes he erased it because of the memories he recounted.

"Do you know how it feels?" he spoke once he finished telling them story.
"That someone loses a limb to save you?" he looked at the three of them.

"Yes I know, actually," Luffy replied.

"I'm just saying that we were there for eighty-five days. And he didn't let me die on that rock," Sanji said.
"He decided to act like a captain. The difficult path."

"I would eat my arms and legs to save Zoro," the captain said.

He gave his friends one last look before heading to the room.

"Do you need a hug?" Cassidy asked the cook after a long silence.

"Coming from you, madame, I wouldn't mind," he reciprocated the smile and they were ready to hug, until Usopp cleared his throat.

"Lovebirds, I'm still here," the shooter recalled, raising his hand.

Cassidy rolled her eyes.

"Does it bother you? There's the door, Soppi," she looked at him mockingly, positioning herself next to Sanji, who was smiling stupidly.

"Aww, hug, but don't murder me," he asked with a honeyed voice and extended his arms, hugging them both.

"Aww, hug, but don't murder me," he asked with a honeyed voice and extended his arms, hugging them both

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