expert on women

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"So, we're going for Nami, but how do we find her?" Usopp asked.

"Yes, we don't even know where she is," Zoro agreed.

"How stressful," Cassidy whispered, leaning her head on the swordsman's shoulder.

"I know someone who does," the captain smiled at his companions.

Everyone turned their gaze to the brunette. Zoro got up from the stairs with Cassidy's help, while they both walked into the ship.

Cassidy frowned as she watched her captain pull a clown's head out of a small bag. She immediately hid behind the cook.

"I hate clowns," Cassidy grabbed her bow quickly, putting herself on guard.

"Hello, friends," that clown laughed cynically, scaring Cassidy even more.

Zoro let out a frustrated sigh. Usopp looked at him blankly and Cassidy let go of her bow to cling to Sanji's arm.

They took his heads out onto the deck and placed them right on top of a barrel, listening and heeding every instruction the clown gave.

"Five degrees to starboard, dear," Buggy smiled at Cassidy, who stuck her tongue out at him.

"Shut up, you piece of animal. I won't listen to you. I hate you," Cassidy said, completely scared.

"To the other starboard side, Captain shit-tastic," he now addressed Usopp, who looked at him clearly offended.6

"And here I thought clowns were funny," the sniper whispered.

"This one is somewhere between scary and embarrassing," Cassidy confessed, taking a seat on top of a barrel.

"What did you say?! Come and tell me to my face!" he yelled at them both and Cassidy gave him the middle finger.

"Hey! Good morning, champ," he greeted the swordsman, who was passing by.

"I know that Luffy made a deal with you to find Arlong," he got dangerously close.
"But if this is another of your tricks. . ."

"What are you going to do? Bleed on me?" he said mockingly, laughing.

He stopped laughing when Zoro took him in his hands and threatened to throw him into the sea.

"Whoa! Hey, no, no! Just because said bleed on me, doesn't mean you'll bleed on me. We have a deal, right?" he spoke nervously.

"I think you should throw it away, moss-head."

"Don't get involved, brat! You want your map back and I want my little body. . ." he continued negotiating.

"How do I know you're not leading us into a trap?" Zoro interrupted.

"Zoro, buddy! Honor among pirates! Right? How about I sing you a nice sea shanty to pass the time," he laughed nervously.

"Oh, there once was a girl with tangerine hair who stole my map and left me stranded somewhere," the clown sang while Zoro brought him closer to a barrel.
"Truly a crafty and crooked young lass, but you can't deny, she had a spectacular. . ."

Before he finished his song, the green-haired man threw him into the barrel, silencing him.

"Was he about to say that Nami had a great. . ." Cassidy murmured confused.

"You too, beautiful!" Buggy complimented, but was silenced by Usopp's strong kick to the barrel.

"Be careful with your words when addressing my little sister, you silly clown," the shooter threatened and Cassidy laughed, getting off the barrel.

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