the straw hats

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Cassidy raised her middle finger when Usopp threw a wet rag in her face. They were both cleaning Kaya's family's boats again and they could swear it wasn't fun at all.

"I'm going to sink you next to this ship, big-nosed," Cassidy warned his friend, who raised both hands in a sign of peace with a mocking smile.

"Love and peace, dear Cassie," the brunette laughed, concentrating on cleaning the deck of the ship.

Cassidy wiped the remaining water from her face and tied her hair into a messy bun, returning to her work.

"Psst, Cassie," Usopp called again.

The afore mentioned snorted, turning around to look at her best friend.

"Tomorrow is Kaya's birthday, do you already know what you will give her?" asked the great Captain Usopp with a smile.

"She's practically rich, Soppi," he rolled his eyes.
"What do you give to rich people, huh? Clearly not jewelry," she leaned her body on the ship's railing.

Usopp scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"I know!" she snapped her fingers, throwing the wet rag to his shoulder.

"It will be the perfect gift!" he smiled.

Cassidy tilted her head, confused and intrigued at the same time. "What? Come on, tell me, don't leave me wondering, Soppi," she complained.

"Cover me until mid-afternoon! I promise not to take long!" Usopp kissed his friend's forehead quickly and walked away from him jumping with happiness.

"Wait, Usopp! I can not today. . ." she interrupted herself when she noticed the distance of her friend.
"Damn, he's already gone," she snorted, resuming her work.

She was used to Usopp sneaking out of work most afternoons and covering for him. The brunette always found a good excuse to leave, although they didn't work with Cassidy, she knew perfectly well that he was sneaking out to see Kaya and tell her about her wonderful adventures as a pirate.
Oh the love.


Cassidy furrowed her eyebrows as she kept her gaze fixed on the object in front of her, trying to find its shape or perhaps know what it was.

"And this is supposed to be. . .?" the brunette spoke, still with her gaze fixed on the object.

"That's great, Cassie. And here I thought you were the smarter of the two," Usopp denied, receiving a strong blow on the shoulder from his friend.

"I'm the smarter of the two," she corrected, crossing her arms.
"But I don't see the point in that. Why would you give her a. . . whatever that is?" she asked, even more confused.

"To tell you the great adventure behind how I got it," he winked, followed by a perfect smile that showed his radiant teeth.

Cassidy's heart softened and a pout graced her lips.
"Aww, you're so cute, Soppi," he mocked in a honeyed voice, patting Usopp's blushing cheeks.

"Enough, stop. It's not cute, shut up," the sniper complained, receiving a laugh from Cassidy.

"Usopp has a girlfriend and they kiss a lot, mua mua mua," she hummed, simulating kissing noises just as she joined her fingers as a sign of two kissing mouths, making Usopp laugh.


Cassidy continued with her great mockery, while Usopp tried to silence her by placing his hands around her mouth.
Cassidy gave him a large lick on the palm of his hand, causing Usopp's lips to curl into a noticeable grimace of displeasure.

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