invitation to the dinner

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"I've never seen a house this big," Luffy confessed, following in the footsteps of Usopp and Cassidy.

"Impressive, right? Kaya openly invited me to come whenever I wanted," Cassidy rolled her eyes.

"That's because they're dating," the brunette joked, making Nami laugh and Usopp's nervous.

"Th-That's not true," Usopp denied instantly and Cassidy looked at him mockingly.
"Aha, whatever you say, Soppi," she finished adjusting her bandana and started walking.

"Wow, all this for one person?" Luffy spoke, admiring the great mansion.

"Well, she lives with her butler and a couple of employees," Usopp replied, leaning against the bed.

"Money shows what people really are," Nami interrupted.
"Most only care about themselves and what they do."

"Kaya is not like other rich people, I can tell you that," Cassidy intervened, without looking at her.

The three pirates followed the pace of the two best friends, who were walking in front of Nami and Zoro along with Luffy, who seemed really excited.

"Hey, if you have an invitation, why do we go around the back?" Luffy asked, certainly confused.

Cassidy smiled.
"Usopp never uses the main entrance," she responded.

"Exactly. The entrance is reserved for important and special people," he informed, smiling with an air of superiority.

Usopp spotted Kaya's employees just before crossing the small lake and took Luffy by the shoulders, motioning to Cassidy.

"Oops. In fact, there is a much more exclusive entrance over there," the sniper lied, pushing the captain's shoulders.

Cassidy stepped aside as one of the employees quickly threw a knife, which stuck in the middle of Usopp's feet, alarming him.

"What the hell are you doing here, you mediocre pair?" The man with the strange hairstyle confronted them, approaching them both.

"And what does it matter to you? Grumpy fat man," Cassidy insulted, throwing the knife at him, it embedded itself in a bush.

"Buchi, buddy. Hey, Kaya is waiting for us," he lied, covering Cassidy's mouth so she wouldn't say more insults.

"Another lie, child?" he spat with displeasure, taking Usopp's clothes roughly.

Cassidy frowned, ready to intervene.

"You both know that you are not welcome in this place," he claimed, looking menacingly at Cassidy.

"Oh, yes? We didn't know that, in fact, we came to give Kaya a very special gift," she spoke nervously.

"Usopp? Cassie?" Kaya's serene voice was interrupted by the discussion, which was completely foreign to her "What a wonderful surprise!" Kaya walked slowly, holding the arm of her butler.

"Kay-Kay!" Cassidy greeted, giving a mocking smile to Buchi, who instantly wrinkled his nose.

"Cassie, it's good to see you," Kaya smiled, then looked at Usopp.

"Happy birthday," both friends congratulated with a warm smile.

"They didn't forget. . ." Kaya expressed, truly moved.

"Of course not," Usopp denied obviously.

The butler looked at them both with a forced smile and adjusted his glasses with the wrist of his arm.

"Cassidy, Usopp," he greeted, receiving a dirty look from the girl and a fake smile from the brunette.
"We already discussed this. They must not come without warning."

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