new crewmates

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The brunette shifted somewhat uncomfortable, feeling her head spin, she carefully straightened up and touched her forehead with the tips of her fingers, feeling the thick liquid dripping there. She looked at her hand, which had the scarlet liquid all over it.

"You finally woke up. I thought I would have to carry you," spoke the swordsman, who was trying to scale the great wall of rocks.

"Everything is spinning, I feel like I'm going to vomit," she retched, standing up.
"Where are we supposed to be?"

"If I'm not mistaken," he looked up, finding the starry sky and a perfect exit.
"We are in the well."

Cassidy inspected the place, spotting Merry's body in a corner, she let out a heavy sigh and looked away. It was too late to intervene.

"Can you climb? I think it's the only way out. I tried to hook the rope, but it's impossible," said the green-haired man.

Cassidy nodded, tore a piece of her clothing and cleaned the remains of blood from her wound, she would disinfect it later.

"Well, I hope I don't die trying." She threw the piece of clothing aside and rested her hands on the wall.

"I'll go up and when I'm up I'll throw the rope at you," Zoro nodded, crossing his arms.

Cassidy placed one of her feet in a hole made by the stones and held on to the others quite tightly. She began to climb slowly, when one of her feet slipped, almost falling.

"Is everything okay? Are you sure you can?" said the green-haired man, looking at her from below.

"I'm fine!" she stated, raising her thumb.

Bad idea, instantly her other hand slipped due to poor balance and she almost fell again.
Zoro let out a sigh followed by a mocking smile, as he shook his head.

"I'm going to die," Cassidy whispered, resting her forehead on the rocks.

She regretted it when she remembered her unbandaged wound and let out a slight moan.
Cassidy continued trying to climb for about fifteen minutes, until she managed to reach the end of the large shaft.

"Take that, Sham you idiot!" she celebrated, raising both arms. She was about to fall backwards, when she held on to the edge tightly.
"That was close. Okay, Zoro, throw the rope!" she shouted.

"There it goes!" the swordsman warned, very late, the metal hit Cassidy's forehead.

"Be more careful, moss head!" complained the brunette, grabbing the hook of the rope tightly.
"Come up before I regret it and leave you down there with Merry!" 

Cassidy embedded the tip of the hook in a hole, making sure it was well held.

"Ready! Whenever you want!"

Zoro raised both thumbs, peering through the hole in the well. Cassidy sat on the cold dirt floor and leaned her back against the edges of the pit, waiting for the swordsman to come up. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt a sting in her wound.

"Oh, please, they hit the idiot harder and I look like I'm dying," she complained, snorting.

Cassidy was scared when the green-haired man threw Merry's body to the ground with force, followed by the Roronoa man, breathing tiredly.

"Well?" he adjusted his swords at his waist, looking at her.

The one with brown hair nodded, standing up tremblingly. She wasn't afraid, but she was still in disbelief at the fact that she had the body of her friendly Merry close to her.
He ran until he reached the swordsman's side to quickly keep up with him.

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