Jimin is sitting between jungkook's things and leaning his back on his bare chest relaxing with his husband's touch who is rubbing his body they are feeling like king and queen having bath together in pond .

"Jimine you know i am really happy today I want to marry you again when we go back we have to tell our jiha she will be so happy to see our wedding I want to marry you baby it's our dream to marry infront of parents b- his tears fall from his eyes he still  remembered what happened before he will never gonna forgive his parents not even jimins family but he also misses his family .......jimin turn back immediately when he hear him sobbing.

,"Kookie don't cry "
He wiped his tears gently and give a kiss on his cheeks jungkook smile and hugged jimin while closing his eyes he is happy with jimin his heart is now in peace

,"Kookie where are you going"

Jimin asked his husband who still didn't told him jimin is so curious to know but he stop asking him any questions and leaned his chin on his shoulder both went back to their tree house to wear clothes

They are now going somewhere on bicycle jimin is Hugging him and looking around the village he is feeling so fresh and happy to be here again ...... jungkook slowly stop bicycle and told jimin to get down

,"Wow "

Jimin smile and held jungkook's hand and both take steps towards village where they are going to meet someone

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Jimin smile and held jungkook's hand and both take steps towards village where they are going to meet someone.... this village is so beautiful small kids are running here and there while playing and giggling around with their kites

Small goats and sheeps are walking on side areas eating some grass on ground filling their big tummies

Shop keepers are selling their materials and some cute girls are walking wearing traditional dress they all are looking so pretty and cute in that dress jimin wants to try too

,"Kookie i am tired "
Jimin said while hugging his arm jungkook bend down and saw his feets are swollen he looks up to jimin who is pouting
He smile and picked him bridal style and pull him close Jimin is so shy everyone is looking at them with loving eyes

Jimin hide his face in his neck and hugged him tightly

Soon they reached their destination when jungkook put jimin on wooden chair he open his eyes and saw his favourite place he immediately jump on his husband and hug him again.

How can he forgot this place.....soon a old lady came holding her stick to walk she is wearing a white and grey hanbok and her white hairs beautifully tied in a bun with a hair pin hanging around her bun

Jungkook immediately run towards her and help her to walk

She smile and look at jungkook and than jimin

," my babies really came I missed you both "

She said with her shaky voice when jimin saw her tears he immediately hugged her and she smile while caressing his hairs so softly

,"Don't cry  grandma"
He said and pull back and cupped her cheeks and kiss her forehead
Jungkook is looking at them with teary eyes actually she is Lee Mina their friends grandma but Their friend died with his father and mother long time ago in car crash

She is so happy to see them here jimin sit on chair but pour water for her when she started coughing

When jimin told her jungkook and he got married and again going to marry and they have a daughter she felt so happy she knew from the start that they both love eachother.

,"I am happy to see my babies after so long come here my bunny "

She said and jungkook sit on ground infront of her who held his hand and put in jimins hand

," I am happy that you both came here to see me but bunny Never leave his hand never hmm  "
She said while smiling at this beautiful couple.

They were talking with grandma when they saw her second son came with a boy

They were talking with grandma when they saw her second son came with a boy

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"meet my grandson Lee taemin"

She introduced that boy who bowed and smile at them she also introduced them her son who smile when jimin and jungkook bowed

,"He is also getting married tomorrow my small boy "

She pat her grandson's hairs who smile and looks down because he is shy .

,"Kookie i can't believe we are staying here for taemin's wedding i wanna go home and hug my jiha but I can't say no to grandma "

Jimin said and hug his husband both are now laying on bed under sheets it's already night time and it's time for sleep

,"Hmm but I am happy she is having great time with tae and taeji even yoongi I saw him how he was playing with her in video call with tae

And now sleep we have to help grandma in morning right "

Jimin hummed and close his eyes and fall asleep but jungkook is still awake looking at his husband who is peacefully sleeping he kissed his forehead and fall asleep too

Jimin hummed and close his eyes and fall asleep but jungkook is still awake looking at his husband who is peacefully sleeping he kissed his forehead and fall asleep too

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