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~Everything is messed up~

Mrs. Park called her husband and when Mr.park picked up the phone and was greeted by the panicked voice of his wife  on the other end.

"Haeva, come quickly! Something's wrong with Jimin," Mrs. Park exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

Mr. Park's heart skipped a beat as he rushed to Jimin's room. What he saw there made his gasp in shock. Jimin was lying on the floor, pale and unresponsive, with an empty bottle of pills by his side. Mr. Park felt his world crumble around her as she knelt beside his son, tears streaming down her face.

Without wasting a moment, Mr. Park called their family doctor, who arrived at their house within thirty minutes. Dr. Kang quickly checked Jimin's pulse and vitals, relieved to find that he was still breathing. However, he insisted on taking Jimin to the hospital for further tests, to determine the extent of the damage caused by the pills.

As they waited anxiously in the hospital, Mr. Park couldn't help but wonder why his son would do something so drastic. Jimin had always been a cheerful and outgoing boy, with a bright future ahead of him.

Why would he want to end his own life?"Don't cry. Our son is fine now," Mr. Park whispered, trying to reassure his wife. He wiped away her tears and sat her down beside Jimin's bed, holding her hand tightly.

After a while Mr. Park walked outside to clear his head, the images of his son's pale face haunting him. As he paced back and forth, he suddenly remembered something - Jimin's closest, which had been slightly ajar when he walked past it earlier. Curiosity getting the better of him, Mr. Park quietly made his way back to his mansion to Jimin's room and opened the closest fully.

What he saw inside made his blood run cold. There were gifts and pictures of Jimin and Jungkook, his best friend . There were also old letters, expressing their friendship and love for each other. Mr. Park couldn't believe his eyes.

How could he have missed this before?.The truth hit him like a ton of bricks. Jimin's suicide attempt was not a random act. It was a cry for help, a plea for someone to see the pain he was hiding inside. Mr. Park felt a surge of guilt and anger wash over him.

How could he have been so blind to his son's suffering?.He run his car towards his friends house .

"Please, Haeva, don't hide this from me. I know everything now. Please, tell me the truth," Mr. Park pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

Mr.jeon looked away, unable to meet Mr. Park's gaze. "It's too late, Hava. Jungkook is in pain because of your son. He wanted to save our reputation and pushed Jungkook to the edge . We were so happy, but what he did. He broke my son., Mr. Jeon's said, stood in the doorway, tears streaming down his face. "I don't hat-e Jimin, he is an angel, he is like my son. But everything is now messed up. We can't do anything. Jungkook is already married to Taehyung." Mr. Park felt a pang of pain in his chest as he listened to his friend's words. He couldn't face Mr. Jeon.With a heavy heart, he stood up and left the mansion, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

As he walked through the empty streets towards his home, he felt like the world was closing in around him. The darkness seemed to seep into his soul, the remorse and guilt gnawing at his heart.

When he arrived home, he saw a doctor standing in the living room, holding Jimin's medical report. "Your son is pregnant, Mr. Park," the doctor said, his tone somber.

The news hit Mr. Park like a thunderbolt. His son, Jimin, was pregnant. He never imagined that Jimin and Jungkook were in love with each other. He felt a mix of emotions - happiness for his son Taehyung, who had found love with his partner, and deep sorrow for Jimin, who was carrying his brother's husband child.

"We haven't to tell them we can't hide this, Jungkook deserves to know, so as Taehyung. We can make everything right, honey, trust me," Mrs. Park insisted, her eyes filled with determination as she reached for her phone to call Jungkook.

But before she could dial the number, Mr. Park stopped her. "No, no, you can't. I know what I did and what I am doing now is not right, but we have to do this. Keep this as a secret," he urged, his voice filled with desperation.

Mrs. Park's anger boiled over as she pushed him away and gave him a death glare. "Shut up, stop all this nonsense, will you? .What are you thinking, huh?. We have to tell them, so you better stop," she shouted, her frustration evident in her tone.

Determined to do what she believed was right, Mrs. Park snatched her phone back and dialed Jungkook's number. "We can't lose Taehyung again, please," he pleaded with tears in his eyes as he quickly grabbed the phone from her hand and cut the call.

"He loves Jungkook, did you know it, but did you know our son is weak? .He can die if we tell him any bad news. He can di-e. He didn't tell us, but he got into an accident four years ago. He hid this all from us. I heard him talking with Jimin that night. I saw him crying in pain. I called his doctor, and he  told me everything.His heart is wea-k because he was badly injured that night and he -also h-e l-

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