||The girl you saved||

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• Jughead saving Betty from an uncomfortable situation
• Groping/sexual harassment
• Reggie is an asshole
• Archie too but not as much

Betty hated the subways of New York. Back in Riverdale, you either walked or got your bike but New York was so big that she needed to use the subway, alone to get to the university from her apartment. It never was a pleasant experience to be honest, including this afternoon. Now, Betty had kind of gotten used to people staring at her. She didn't like it but she was able to ignore it, more or less.

She was about to exit at her station when someone walked against her. Betty muttered an apologizy, trying to step to the right when the man followed her, grabbing her by the upper arms to guide her to the wall.

"I really need to go out now-" She tried, trying to get out of the grasp.

"Please, stop it" Instead of letting her go, the man went to reach under her skirt — if he wouldn't have been grabbed.

"Didn't you hear her? She needs to get out, so let her go. Besides, she told you to stop. You should take that as a rule and not as a challenge" Someone about her age said. He pushed the man away before positioning himself in front of her.

"Oh, sorry, didn't know that she's yours"

"How about you just leave woman, or people in general for that matter, alone when they don't want to talk to you?"

"Hey, I get that she's yours, no reason to be so rude"

"She's-" He paused "You're right. We're leaving now, goodbye asshole" He grabbed her hand before pulling her around the man, always keeping her at a distance to him. He pulled her outside and continued to guide her until they were in the tunnel, away from the people.

"Sorry for pulling you like that. I just-" He let go of her hand in order to drive it through his jet black hair "I just thought that it would be better, for you, to get away from the people. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked, turning to face her. Betty opened her mouth, then closed it, opened it again before closing it another time.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you. I... I don't know what would have happened if you didn't... Thank you"

"No need to thank me. I hate those creeps"

"And you don't even have to deal with them all the time" Betty mumbled.

"Are you sure that you're okay? You look a bit shaken up" He asked, skimming her over. Betty nodded, tightening her ponytail before pulling down her skirt.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Thank you again. Can I repay you somehow? Do you... uh... Do you want a coffee or so?"

"No, don't worry. I didn't do anything"

"Yes, you did. You saved me. Please. I'm offering. It doesn't have to be coffee. Tea? Something to eat? A snack? Please?" The man sighed softly.

"Alright. Take me for a coffee. You seriously don't have to though. I don't mind"

"No, I do. There's a Starbucks outside of the station. We can go there"

"I know" He smiled softly, gesturing her to show the way. Betty set off, making sure that he was following her out of the tunnel in order to get to the street. The two walked through the entrance hall before turning to the left to enter the Starbucks shop — by then they were walking side by side.

"What do you two want?"

"I'll have a large strawberry Frappuccino with extra whipped cream" Betty said and the barista nodded, scribbling it down before asking for her name.

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