||5 Days|| Part 4

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Betty stirred, turning away only to notice that Jughead still had his arms wrapped around her. She smiled, rolling around to face him.

"Juggy?" she whispered, kissing his nose. He seemed to be in such a deep slumber that Jughead didn't notice that. She smiled and got up to make some breakfast, just cereal for today. Putting the two bowls down on the coffee table, she went to lay down next to him again. Stroking a hand through his hair, she smiled softly.

"Juggy, wake up"

No moves.

Betty huffed and laid down next to him, grabbing the remote to turn on the TV again before she got the bowl of cereal to eat it. No reason to let it go to waste. Jughead stirred at some point, though he slept for at least another two hours.

He exhaled, rolling to his side before his eyes flustered open.

"Morning," he smiled, sitting up and pulling her back in his arms, kissing her cheek "Should we... talk about us, Betty?"

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know. Do you think that we could just be us, whatever that means?"

"Yes, sure" she smiled softly and Jughead nodded, leaning back and pulling her with him.

"You know, I... I want to tell you some things, Betty" Jughead mumbled after some time "about why"

Before it was too late and she wouldn't know. She should know when something happened to why it did.

"You don't have to tell me anything, Jug"

"I know but I want to" he exhaled "you remember how things were at Primary School?" she nodded "the bullying and so on?"

"Yeah, I do"

"Well, it certainly got worse" he scoffed "couldn't even leave the trailer for a time being" Betty moved, though Jughead just held her tighter, so she couldn't turn around "don't, just listen, please"

"Okay, I won't" he loosened his grip.

"Thanks. Things were getting worse and people just beat me up everywhere, at school, at the Wrym, at home and basically everywhere else"

"What happened?"

"Uh... We had a teacher at the Southside. Mr. Shipping. He was my history teacher. When the school wanted to shut down the Red&Black, he helped me to keep it open. One afternoon, he..." Jughead swallowed, inhaled and exhaled before continuing "everyone else had already left. I only stayed because I wanted to finish this one article before the weekend and he... He walked up to me and... backed me up to a corner"

"What did he do?" she whispered, reaching for his hand to intertwine their fingers.

"He ra-..." Jughead's voice broke off. He took another breath and Betty squeezed his hand. Jughead started to stroke Betty's arm to calm himself down again "he raped... me"

"When was this?"

"About two years ago. I went to the police after it but they wouldn't believe me. No one did. I was threatened to be kicked out of school if I didn't stop lying"

"I believe you" he smiled softly.

"I know that. Thank you" he paused before continuing "the news of that travelled pretty fast, that I lied to the police, that I accused a teacher of raping a child, that I- I couldn't just... They didn't believe me. Well, and then the bullying got so much worse. Even the Serpents kicked me out. They stopped believing me and by the time that the Riverdale Register published this stupid article, it was over for them. They kicked me out, took my jacket and even debated on cutting out my tattoo. I ran away from them and then they offered to let me work at the White Wrym. Therefore they wouldn't do anything about me. That's the messages"

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