||Hopefully I don't ruin your childhood dream||

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• Just Jughead proposing to his girlfriend
• Only fluff for once... well, there is mentioning of bullying

Jughead and Betty were just preparing dinner when his phone rang. Looking at the display and seeing that just Archie was calling him, he accepted it.

"Arch? What's up?"

"You nervous yet?"

"About what?"

"Tomorrow. You know. Graduating. Ceremony. And your surprise, for Betty"

"Uh, I don't know if I have your math book, let me check" Jughead said, smiling shortly at Betty before walking out of the kitchen. In the bedroom, he put the phone back to his ear.

"What was that for?"

"Sorry, I was just preparing dinner with Betty and I didn't want her to coincidentally hear something"

"So, are you nervous?"

"Of course. I'm hella nervous"

"For graduating or the other thing?"


"Hey Ronni, I was right! You owe me 20 bucks!" Archie yelled. Jughead scoffed.

"You bet on me? Are you serious?"

"Well, we didn't exactly bet on you. We just debated if you would be nervous about graduating or not"

"Oh because that's so much better" Jughead mumbled, shaking his head "and then only twenty bucks. Man, I thought I would be worth much more"

"So what's the plan, for tomorrow?" Veronica asked, taking over the phone.

"Well, she has a speech after Cheryl, you know? Because Cheryl is Cheryl and Betty is the smartest of us all. And before she get down, I'll get up and then-"

"Wait wait wait- hold up. You are telling me that you will go up on stage?" Archie asked, taking the phone from Veronica again.

"Yes? Why? What's wrong? Do you think that she would prefer a rather private propose?"

"No but man, you will flip out. Jughead, you get panic attacks from having to hold a presentation in front of our class. Until Freshman year, you didn't talk to anyone but me. How on earth do you think that you will survive this?"

"I will be fine, don't worry"

"You will pee your pants, Jughead"

"I will not"

"Of course you will. Remember that presentation you had when we got elected for student president? Man, that was funny"

"Haha. Look, I have gotten better since then, okay? I will be able to handle it" Jughead protested. Though he got interrupted by his girlfriend, calling him to dinner "Okay, I have to go. Dinner is ready"

"Well, we see us tomorrow again. And don't mess this up"

"Haha. As if I could mess up"


By the time that they were sitting in front of the stage, he wasn't that sure anymore.

"Are you okay?" Betty asked, squeezing his hand. Jughead nodded, humming along.

"Yes, of course. Just, you know, excited to finally graduate, you know?" Jughead asked, trying to smile at her. She nodded, smiling as well as she went to concentrate on the stage again. Mr. Weatherbee was just starting his speech. Soon, he was reading out names of all of their classmates, Archie being one of the first since his surname was Andrews.

"Nervous about your speech?" Jughead whispered, noticing his girlfriend shifting in her seat. Betty nodded slightly, squeezing his hand "Don't worry too much about it. I know that you will do great. You're amazing" Betty nodded in response, taking a deep breath. When she was announced by their principle, Jughead gave her hand another squeeze before he let go of her. While listening to her, Jughead noticed himself getting more nervous too. After all, he knew what he was supposed be do once she finished. He rubbed his hands off his pants, trying to get the sweat off before he glanced at Archie. He just gave him a soft smile and a thumb up. When Jughead noticed his girlfriend coming to an end of her speech, he got up before walking up on the stage, trying to not look at the people.

"Juggy, what-" Betty asked, chuckling, though he just kissed her in order to silence her before he turned towards the crowd, clearing his throat.

"H-Hey, everyone," Jughead started. Though upon looking at everyone, his throat closed up. He cleared his throat again, hoping that it would help and he could talk normally now.

"Uhm, okay, the reason why I'm here-" His voice cracked. Could this become any worse? On the other hand, he should have known that something like this would happen. Some started laughing, Reggie made some comment. Jughead tried to ignore all of them, focusing on Archie instead. He was giving him a thumbs up. Jughead nodded, taking a deep breath. He could talk normally on the stage when he was acting as the leader of the Serpents. What made this here so different?

"Okay. You probably don't know me or if you do, then not in a good way. Because, you know, I'm the kid that you always bullied, since I'm from the Southside and the Serpent King" What was he talking about? Where was the carefully planned speech that he had been working on for two months and learned by heart?

"Anyways, you all know my girlfriend Betty Cooper. The amazing girl, who just held her speech. Yes, I know, typical cheerleader dates loser trope" He needed to finally get to the point.

"I bet that you all are waiting to figure out what I'm doing up here. Well, ever since Betty has been four years old, she has been dreaming about a perfect proposal — at her graduation. Seeing that she is the best person ever, I thought that I would make that wish come true. Betty," He turned around to face her "could you please come over here?" He added, reaching her his hand. Betty smiled unsurely, though took his hand and walked over to him.

"Hopefully I don't ruin your childhood dream now" Jughead whispered, smiling softly as well. He reached in his pants pocket and got out a box. Kneeling down on the ground with one knee, he opened it to showcase the narrow golden ring.

"Elizabeth Cooper, love of my life, you know how happy you make me, seeing that you are my girlfriend. You are so amazing and smart and I can't believe how we both got into Yale. You know, the only thing that would make this even better is if you were my fiancée and then later on my wife. Would you marry me, Betts?"

It seemed like Betty couldn't stop nodding. She had her hand in front of her mouth, wiping away the tears. Though Jughead still waited for an audible answer.

"Yes, of course. Of course I will marry you" He smiled and slid the ring on her hand before standing up again. Jughead wrapped his arms around her waist before lifting her up. He twirled her around twice before setting her down, cupping her face to kiss her.

"I love you, so much, Jug"

"I love you more"

"You went up on stage and talked to all those people, for me" Betty said, still not being able to stop the smile. She hugged him again before kissing his cheek.

"Can we go down again?" He whispered upon pulling away from her. Betty chuckled, though nodded. With joined hands, fingers intertwined, the two walked down from the stage and then back to their seats. Jughead had barely sat down when Archie was already throwing himself onto him.

"I really thought that you would have just quit halfway through" Archie teased, pulling away from him.

"I know" Jughead gritted through his teeth, though Betty just kissed him again.

"Oh don't worry, Juggy. It was perfect"

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