||5 days|| Part 01

135 4 1

• mention of: suicide attempt, anorexia, bullying, rape & abuse (for all parts)
• implied suicide

Betty drove to the little cliff at the edge of Riverdale, Greendale already on the other side of the river, with the car from her best friend — Archie Andrews. It wasn't that high but hopefully high enough for her plan. When she arrived, the blonde hopped out of the car and walked over to the edge. At least until she saw a person sitting on the edge and looking down. Betty slowly walked closer and soon the person came into view. He was familiar and still unfamiliar. It wasn't long until she recognized him.

"Jughead...?" she asked, approaching him "is that really you?" she was debating on whether to hug him or stay where she was or just leave completely.

The boy hesitantly turned around, eyes widening as he saw her. Betty had other things to think about but the first thing that came to her mind was something completely off topic: Jughead got hot, and super cute. Even though most of his hair was hidden away by a knitted beanie, she still thought about the way it would feel between her fingers while she was driving them through his soft hair.

"Betty??" she flinched, blushing at the thought of being caught at staring at her former best friend "What are you doing here? I thought that you moved away..." 

"Oh... We... We did. We moved to the Northside and... my parents just kind of forbid me to see you and once I had put up the confidence to just go against their will, you weren't... there anymore"

"Yeah, we moved after my mom left..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What happened?"

"Doesn't matter"

I don't trust you anymore.

Betty sighed but nodded. Though instead  of going home again, she just sat down beside him.

"So," Betty started after a while "uhm... how have you been?"

"Uh... doing stuff, going to school, living?" the other suggested, shrugging. His legs were dangling off the edge, hands gripping onto the edge until his knuckles turned white, eyes staring straight ahead.

"Are you okay...?"


"Then... what are you doing here, Juggy?"

The nickname stung.

"What do you mean?" he asked, head turning to smile softly at her "I'm just enjoying the view over the ocean"

"At the cliff? Even though you could have just gone to the shore further down, which is closer to the Southside?" he shrugged.

"Who cares? The view is better here anyways" he knew that he was dizzy, visions going black every few seconds, more often then before. Betty needed to leave. She wasn't supposed to be here. She was supposed to be God knows where but not next to him, not right now. If she would have just come a minute later, or maybe two.

"Hey... Are you okay...? You kind of-" Jughead fell forward and Betty just barely caught him in time, pulling him back, almost throwing him down on the ground behind them.

"Fuck, Jughead!" she yelled, shaking him. Betty was shortly before doing mouth to mouth — to keep him alive, of course — but he groaned, eyes fluttering open.

"Oh fuck- you weren't supposed to see this" he groaned, wanting to sit up but she pushed him down.

"What's wrong? You just fainted and would have almost dropped down there!" she yelled.

"Can't you just leave??" Jughead yelled, sitting up and rubbing his head, jacket sleeve rolling down and showing a bloody bandage.

"What's... that?" Betty asked, rocking closer to him and softly grasping his wrist before rolling up the sleeve even more "Jughead, did you do that...?"

"As if you wouldn't do the same! I saw the scars on your forearm" he protested, getting on all fours before trying to get to the edge again — whereas Betty pulled him back, this time just wrapping her arms and legs around him as tight as possible before he could try and run again.

Not a third time.

"Let me go, Betty" Jughead said, trying to get her hands off of him, though her legs were still around him and before he could get them off too, her arms were around him again "I mean it, let go!" he yelled, rolling them around.

"Like shit I will do! You just-" Betty yelled, trying to hold on even tighter as tears blurred her vision "you just ran to the cliff like you were going to-"

"Oh yeah? What were you trying to do then??" he yelled, grabbing her hands and intertwining their fingers to pull them apart before trashing with his legs to finally get out of her grasp "why don't we just do it together??" he yelled, taking a step forward, though Betty pulled herself back, taking him with her.

"What?? No! You can't just- You can't jump, Jughead!"

"As if you wouldn't have wanted to do the same! You can't just tell me to not do it then!" he yelled back, still trying to fight her.

"What about your dream to become an author?? You can't just throw all of that away!"

"You don't know shit about me anymore, Betty! Don't pretend like you do anymore! You fucking moved away!" he yelled, voice breaking.

"That's not my fault!"

"You just fucking left! And you didn't even say one single word! You just disappeared from one day to the other! And you didn't visit once! In over 9 years!"

"I'm sorry...!" Betty yelled, cupping his face to make him look at her "I'm sorry, okay?? I didn't... I didn't know either! I told you, I was scared of my parents! I shouldn't have waited so long, okay?"

"You just fucking left me, Betty!" he sobbed, stopping to fight as the adrenaline weared off and exhaustion settled in "you just left me, Betty, after you promised to stay..."

"We were seven for God's sake, Jug... I couldn't..."

"You could have just said something. Then I would have come to you" he cried, hiding his face as he hugged her "I would have found a way, Betty. We always did"

"I know, I'm sorry, Jug... I'm so sorry..." she whispered, trying to wipe his tears "please forgive me for just leaving you like this..."

He was asleep or passed out by the time that she said it. So she got up and grabbed him under his armpits before starting to drag him in the backseat of the car. She took a deep breath, glancing back at him through the review mirror before starting to drive.

Back home.

To safety.

Jughead groaned in the backseat. Betty glanced back, locking the car doors, just to be sure that he wouldn't try a new attempt.

"What the..." Jughead groaned again "Betty...? What... Why are we in a car?"

"I'm getting you home. I mean, to mine. Look, I can't have you do this. I- I can't. Give me five days, to stop you from trying to do this. I'll show you that... that there's something worth living for. I promise. Give me a week. After that, you can leave again. Please do that for me, Jughead"

How could he say no to her?

"Five days, Betty"

"That's all I want" she smiled satisfied as she continued to drive home. In the Cooper's driveway, Betty parked the car and then got out, opening the door for Jughead.

"Can you stand up? You passed out at the cliff..."

"Yeah, yeah uh... Yeah, I can stand up" he mumbled, sitting up and holding onto the seat.

"Let me help you. It looks like you're about to pass out again"

"'m fine"

The next second he was out again.

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