4: Me Wanna Be A Ninja!

Start from the beginning

"Iruka-sensei? Where did you come from? And why are you here?!" Naruto shouted, scared from seeing that guy, Iruka, suddenly in front of him.

"What are YOU doing here?! And why are you not in class?!" he shouted at Naruto.

Wait what? Naruto ditched class? It's kind of my fault since he was showing me around, so I couldn't let him take the blame.

"I am sorry. It was my fault. I needed someone to show me around and I didn't know Naruto had a class. He was helping me," I said with an innocent face.

"I guess I will let it pass this time," he said glaring at Naruto, then continued, "but I didn't know showing someone around included vandalizing, Naruto." Crap. . .

*30 mins later*

Now I am in a class, listening to Iruka lecturing Naruto. And well I am just here leaning against the door. I can't do anything to help Naruto. Sorry Naruto. . .

"I am at the end of my rope Naruto. You failed the last graduation test, and the one before that, and the one before that. Tomorrow is your last chance," Iruka said. 'Wow Naruto, I never knew you were that good at school. . .' I thought to myself. Naruto just 'hmph'ed and looked to the side ignoring the teacher. The teacher suddenly got angry and got an irke mark on his head.

"Because you missed it last time, everyone here will redo the transformation justu!" he exclaimed, "even the ones who got it will need to line up." The whole class groand. What is that? Is it that bad? The whole class got into a line and a pink haired girl stepped forward. She was just too pink. . .

"Sakura Haruno here. Let's do this. Transform!" So her name is Sakura. Well it suits her. Suddenly a cloud formed and she looked exactly like Iruka. EXACTLY. Wow. How did she do that?! I suddenly gaped at her.

"I did it! Yes! Yes! Did you see that, Sasuke-kun?" she exclaimed happily. Who is Sasuke? Please don't tell me she is in love.

"Good job, Sakura. Next. Sasuke Uchiha," Iruka said while scribbling down something on the paper in his hand.

Then came a boy with black hair and pale skin. So that's Sasuke. He didn't say anything and just transformed into Iruka then went back to his place.

Next in line came Naruto. I was watching him carefully. Come on Naruto you can do this. Naruto did a handsign and suddenly he formed clouds. When the clouds went away I saw something that I wasn't expecting. . . It was a woman version of Naruto and she was. . . naked.

Iruka got a nosebleed. I couldn't help but laugh. I got weird looks from the people in the class. Naruto transformed back to himself. He started laughing hard as well.

"Hey Natsumi?! Did you see that?! Wasn't it awesome?!" he said loudly. I nodded while still laughing.

"NARUTOOO!" Iruka shouted. Naruto, you sure are big trouble. . .

*45 mins later*

I walked around the village in deep thoughts. Naruto couldn't come because he had punishment for what he did in class. I don't know where I was going but I kept walking to wherever my feet would take me.

I stopped in my place when I suddenly got an idea. Yes, that's it. I ran towards the Hokage's building as fast as I can. Once I got there I knocked the door.

"Come in," I heard the old man's voice answer. I opened the door and entered the room. I saw the Hokage taking out his pipe and I saw Kakashi standing there, too. I probably inturepted them. Oops. . .

"Natsumi? What brings you in here?"

"I will say this directly. I want to be a ninja," I stated with a firm voice. I saw him smiling.

"And why is that?"

"I want to become strong to protect this village and all those living in it. I will work hard to become a great ninja, then I can protect this village. And of course my friend, Naruto," I said with a determined face.

"Well then as it may be," he chuckled. I was confused. What? He just agrees that easily?

"So you agree?"

"I can't see why not, after all you do have the Will of Fire," he said smiling.

"The will of what? What is that?" I said in confusion.

"The Will of Fire states that every true Leaf shinobi must love, believe, cherish and fight for the village's sake, and you have that," the Hokage answered. I couldn't help but smile.

"One more thing," I said, "the graduation exam is really soon and I am really behind," I said, hoping he would understand what I was asking for.

"Ah, I see. How about you train with a sensei and his team for the remaining time and if you work hard enough, you can reach up to the other students," he said.

"Yes! Thank you alot. Thank you!" I exclaimed happily.

"Okay, now then, Kakashi will take you to where Gai is, and you will train with his team," he said while looking towards Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded and walked out while I followed him. We walked around the village for a while until I stopped when I saw that orange book Kakashi is reading. Hm. . . I guess it is time to find out.

"Um. . . Kakashi, I will come now I need this book. . . uh. . .," I couldn't think of anyone. Aha I know. "This book Sakura told me about!" That was close. He just nodded while still reading that book.

I walked into the bookstore and said 'hi' to the store keeper. I walked towards the orange book and opened it. I read the first few pages but they didn't make any sense. I opened up to pages in the middle of the book and started reading from there. After reading about 4 pages, I stopped, shut the book and put it back in place. My face was probably VERY red now. This book is disgusting. I walked out of the shop and walked to where Kakashi was. I will never see Kakashi in the same way ever again. . .

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