Chapter 6

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I wake up to Stacy's alarm blaring. Today is the day we go back to school. I roll Stacy off of me and she groans. I try to stand up but Stacy drags me back down next to her. She pulls my face closer to her and she kisses me. Right after, she jumps out of bed and begins to get ready. I go brush my teeth and Stacy walks into the bathroom to take a shower as soon as I leave.

I put on a gray hoodie and black loose fitting jeans. I tie my hair into a half up ponytail. I don't really do my makeup so I'm pretty much done after that so I wait for Stacy to get out of the shower. She set her alarm so she'd have 2 hours to get ready. She has a big morning routine which I could never do. After what seems like forever, Stacy struts back into the bedroom. I can feel the heat coming off of her when she passes by me in only a towel. I know she did that on purpose. Stacy brushes out her hair for a minute or two then drops the towel. I quickly turn away and face the opposite wall, clearly flustered.

"Oh, calm down," Stacy laughs, "We've literally have fucked before."

I cover my face with my hands and laugh uncomfortably. I suddenly feel like I'm a sophomore again when all the boys would jokingly ask me out after I went public about being a lesbian. I feel like this thing between me and Stacy can't be real, like how the hell are we dating? Stacy struts over and gives me a hug and I scrunch up into a ball.

"Seriously?" Stacy rolls her eyes before walking away to continue getting ready.

After what feels like ages, we're finally out the door. I get in Stacy's car and she puts on Lana Del Rey then starts driving. Circumstances were so different last time I was in the passenger seat. I smile happily at the blonde.

I arrive at school after weeks of being suspended and being held captive in Stacy's house. Peyton sees me in the parking lot and runs up to me.

"Hey!" Peyton exclaims with a huge smile plastered across her face, "good to have you back!"

I grin and give her a hug that is quickly interrupted by Stacy dragging me backwards towards her and wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Oh. Hey, Stacy," Peyton greets her with less enthusiasm.

"Hi, Peyton," Stacy replies in an annoyed tone.

Peyton and I make awkward conversation after that while Stacy glares at Peyton. I don't know what I expected exactly. This is going better than I thought, I guess since the last time they spoke it did start a fight.

"Well, as nice as it is to catch up with you, Peyton, my girlfriend and I should probably head to class," Stacy declares with strong emphasis on "girlfriend".

Peyton notices the emphasis and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She looks at me and I can tell exactly what she wants to say. I bite my lip and look at Stacy, who has an obvious smirk on her face. I mouth, "I'll explain later" and let Stacy lead me away.

I can't help but feel a tad bit uncomfortable as Stacy grabs my wrist and directs me through the hallway to our first class. I don't know why Stacy calling me her girlfriend in front of Peyton made me feel this weird since we are actually dating. Finally, we get to class and sit down in our seats. Stacy moves her desk so it's touching mine and she argues with the teacher until he just lets her keep the desk that way.

Class begins and I feel Stacy's hand slither under the desks to grab my inner thigh. She keeps her hand there and my face heats up. She wasn't this territorial when we weren't at school. I can't complain, though, because I do enjoy the affection.

The bell rings once again and I'm off to my next period. Stacy walks with me to meet up with Peyton to go to class together. When we get to the stairs where Peyton is, Stacy does everything in her power to make sure Peyton doesn't get too close to me. Peyton and I both look at each other like we're telepathically saying how weird this is. It's only been a minute or so, but it feels like it's been an eternity when we finally get to my class. Peyton and I stand awkwardly outside the door as Stacy looks around before kissing my cheek and leaving.

"I can't be the only one who felt awkward," Peyton laughs uncomfortably as we walk into the room together.

"No, I was super uncomfortable," I admit, "I know Stacy has some problems with you but jesus."

"So you guys are dating?" Peyton asks, wanting me to spill all the details as we sit down.

"Yeah. Weird, right?" I laugh.

"Please say she's different behind the scenes," Peyton says.

"Oh, she definitely is," I answer, "I don't know why she is acting like this at school."

"She's a territorial female dog," Peyton laughs loudly at her joke, "Anyways, tell me everything, even the nasty details."

I make a face at the last bit but tell her everything that happened when I was away.

"You guys had sex?!" Peyton whisper yells, "that was fucking quick! I knew lesbians moved fast but goddamn!"

I shove the brunette as the bell for lunch rings and we get up.

"Ugh do we have to go? Respectfully, I don't really want to deal with your girlfriend if she's gonna act the way she was earlier," Peyton sighs.

I punched her in the arm, "Oh, shut up. Don't be a bitch."

We take a seat at a table and Stacy walks up to me.

"Come on, we're sitting with my friends," Stacy grabs my arm.

"Um, no thanks. I want to sit with Peyton," I shake her off.

"Oh my god, you're so annoying. Peyton can sit with us too," Stacy growls.

Peyton and I look at each other as we follow Stacy to a full table. Stacy sits by one of her friends and I sit in the chair next to her as Peyton sits across from me. Peyton passes me a container of blueberries and I eat one. No one speaks to us so I discuss our project we got in class with Peyton. I try to grab Stacy's hand under the table but she nudges me away. My face drops a little but I turn all my focus onto Peyton. We spent the entire lunch talking amongst ourselves since we were pretty much outcasted from that entire group. When lunch ended, Peyton packed up her stuff and I left with her without saying anything to Stacy.

"What did I miss?" Peyton wonders.

"I tried to hold Stacy's hand and she fucking pushed me away," I state clearly angry.

"That cunt! What the fuck?" Peyton exclaims sharing my anger.

"With that, do you just want to come to my house after school to work on our project?" I ask knowing I'd piss Stacy off and she nods.

We part ways and I head to my next class. With Stacy, great. I know we are dating but Peyton is right, she's acting like a bitch. I sit down in my seat and Stacy walks up to me.

"I thought we were gonna walk to class together. Where were you?" Stacy asks.

I roll my eyes instead of answering. The bell rings and the teacher tells Stacy to go sit down. 

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