"Stels, wait." Wait? What the hell was I saying? "Have you finished your deadlines?" I glanced at her laptop again, silently cursing to hell whatever innate sense of propriety was making me remind her of her commitments.

"I can do it later." She tossed me another grin over her shoulder and continued to saunter over to the bed.

I grit my teeth, sure I was going to crack the enamel. Surely I deserved a sainthood, or a damn knighthood, for what I was about to do? I marched over to the sofa, retrieved her laptop, and brought it over to the other side of the suite to set it on the glass top of the dining table.

"You need to complete your deadlines," I said with a hint of firmness that definitely caught her attention.

She half-turned to me, eyeing the laptop and then me with an intrigued gleam in her eyes. "Do I?"

"Yes." Truthfully, as much as I wanted her and as much as I was enjoying our shared intimacy, I didn't want to be the cause of her missing important opportunities in lieu of a bout of fantastic sex. And I wanted all those things for her- the contracts, the career growth, the dream. I made a gesture at the laptop. "We can continue this after you've finished up."

She genuinely pouted, but I knew what the look in her eye meant: she wasn't going to give up. She changed course then and made for me, and I knew immediately that I'd either have to compromise somehow or throw myself into the ocean and swim away from her.

She stopped before me, pressing her body into mine and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. Tipping her head back, her lips made a sultry pout and the feel of her breasts pressed against my sternum made my fingers itch to touch her. "I can be very, very good and complete them after," she promised me, a seductive lilt to her voice. "We can also be very quick."

I gave her a glare at that. "The last thing I want is to be quick with you," I said darkly. I caved to my baser urges, my hands rising almost of their own accord and gripping her hips, pulling her against my thighs.

"Well then I will definitely complete the deadline after." She raised on her toes, angling for a kiss, but, with a force of will I have no idea where I summoned it from, I tore away from her. She gave me a hurt look, but then I pulled out a chair from the table and sat down slowly.

I made a gesture to my lap, unable to prevent the curl to one corner of my lips when I said, "If you want this cock, you'll have to come and take it."

Something in me burned at the predatory approach of my girl as she came to stand between my legs. "Oh, I will," Stella promised, running her hands over my chest, from abdomen to shoulders, then she jerked the material over my shoulders and I lifted my arms, aiding her intention uninhibitedly. Her eyes trailed over my chest while she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and I was almost floored by that look alone. God, she was adorable and so damn sexy every pore in my body was tingling for it. "I don't think I'll ever get over how gorgeous you are," she admitted softly, mirroring my thoughts about her.

I couldn't articulate anything right then, merely grunted while I stroked her hips, urging her closer. When she lifted each of her legs to straddle mine, all the air in my lungs rushed past my lips. She leaned into me then, brushing her lips against mine while I held her close, sliding my hands up her waist to brush against the curve of her breasts. So full, large enough to swell beyond the reach of my hands, the tips of her nipples hard points that begged for my touch, my lips...

She arched into my touch, so sensual in her responses. I loved that about her, how she never held back anything from me in bed. Since our first time having sex was with each other, we had gone through a lot of growing and exploring together. She was comfortable enough to tell me what she liked, what she didn't, and even what she thought she may like. Clearly, things in that regard were still the same between us because she grasped one of my hands that was spanning her breast, guiding my fingers over her flank and stomach, dipping between her legs and pressing into the heat of her pussy. A breathy moan escaped her when I slid a finger inside her slit, dipping against the sleek length to her entrance, finding her wet and hot, before sliding back up to toy idly with her hard little clit.

"So wet for me already, Stels?" I managed to rasp out. My control was slipping with her like this, open for me, so uninhibited and sexy in her responses to me. Her pupils were blown wide when her eyelids flickering open at my words, her dark lashes fluttering wildly for a moment.

"I've been wet the whole damn day," she grumbled as she rocked her hips against my hand, her own fingers curling around my wrist tightly as if wanting to keep me in place. "I'm ready for you to fill me."

"Then take what you want," I urged, immediately tensing every muscle in my body when Stella leapt at the opportunity. Her hands grappled with the waist of my shorts, practically yanking them down my hips that I raised slightly to oblige her, and then she was palming my dick with an eagerness that made my breath stutter. I was so hard and sensitive I wasn't sure how I was going to hold it together, not with what I had planned in my mind, but even as I watched a bead of precum dribble from the cleft in my engorged crown, I knew I would do it.

I would force myself to, even if that meant jabbing a blunt knife into my thigh to divert my thoughts.

Because Stella was more important than anything else right then.

And I had to show her that. Somehow, in three days, I had to.

She gnawed her bottom lip, both hands now circling my cock and tightening her fingers around my girth. I seethed, a breath, my skin- perhaps every part of my burning soul- as she began to work me in even strokes, allowing a few to pass before I stopped her. "Sit on my cock, Stels," I commanded.

Mostly because I knew I'd probably blow my load on my chest if she continued as she was.

The woman looked remarkably pleased with herself as she lifted her hips and angled my cock, setting my tip at her entrance.

And then she bore down, her hot muscles of her sex engulfing me with an exquisiteness that made a groan tear from my throat. Her gasps were sweet to my ears and she leaned into me, her fingers gripping almost painfully into my biceps, and then she sat atop me fully, seating me to the hilt within her tight clasp.

Dear God, I could be inside her a million times and it wouldn't never be enough. Nothing could ever compare to her, to what it was like to be with her...

Stella began to move, to lift and roll her hips in a movement that ripped sensation along my spinal column, but I stopped her by clapping my hands against her hips and holding her firm. Her muscles resisted at first but, restrained, quickly relented as she settled against my thighs.

"Turn around," I ordered, clamping her flesh in a manner I hoped conveyed the seriousness of my tone. "With me inside you, turn around."

Her eyes flew wide. "Killian, I-"

"You'll manage, I'll lean back for you." I shuffled further down the chair until my ass almost hung completely off the edge, but it allowed enough space for her to- awkwardly- shift about. In the end, however, she had to wriggle a little off my cock in order to complete the entire turnaround, but that was OK.

Settled facing the table now, I had a marvellous view of her plumply rounded ass with my cock nestled in the wet heat of her pussy. Christ, I was going to die from this alone, a shudder rippling through me at how erotic she looked and how she felt clenching around my length.

Her spine arched and I forcefully resisted running my fingers along the sensual ridges presented to me, instead gripping her hips with a tightness that had her stilling, gasping.

She liked it when I was a bit forceful with her.

Stella may be a wild card in her day to day existence, dancing to her own tune and not allowing anyone to tell her what to do most of the time, but in the bedroom she enjoyed being a bit submissive.

She tossed her head back, sending dark tendrils of her wind-whipped hair spiralling over the creamy expanse of her shoulders and back, and then she turned her head and glanced at me over her shoulder. "Let me move, Kills," she begged, her voice deliciously husky from the need she had... for me.

I grinned at her, the movement languid and indulgent. "No."

She made a whimper of protest, shifting her hips restlessly and grinding her flesh against mine, the muscles of her cunt clenching around me again and then again.

I felt a nerve in my jaw tick, but I resisted the compelling need to drive up into her roughly for her impertinence. "I'll let you move," I told her, pulsing my cock inside her once for emphasis and then pinning her hips down tightly so that there wasn't any doubt left that I would allow her any movement, "once you've finished that piece and sent that deadline off to your publisher."

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od Ashlyn Montgomery
Travel writer Stella comes face-to-face with ex-boyfriend Killian whe...
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