Chapter 20: 🤍Awakened soul💙

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Axel found himself hyperventilating as his senses suddenly dimmed greatly. Mystery dungeons were always a problem for him. Especially strong ones with high mysteriosity ranges, and this one felt so apparently vast in it, that it almost felt like he was losing one of his senses. The cave was now pitch black, making it hard to see anything at all. His eyes that only 10 seconds ago that seemed to be able to look through the cave, were now considered useless. 

At least his other senses seemed to be working okay. He ran his stubby fingers along the walls of the dungeon as he started through the darkness of the cave. After all, he had to try to get out of here at some point. He felt his way through the darkness with nerves on high alert to any possible threat lurking inside. He normally got along well with wilds despite his tame nature, which somehow everyone was surprised of back when he was at Torben. He was careful here nonetheless, that and he found that dungeon wilds seemed to be more aggressive anyways. 

He clenched his bag tightly, wishing for a way he could see in the vast void around him. Chiree probably would've had something like that now that he thought about it. I hope they aren't too far away. 

You said you knew Chiree? How is she? Is she okay?

Axel jumped and looked around frantically, trying to figure out where the voice came from, not that it mattered at all. He couldn't see past an inch away from his face anyways. "Who said that?" He whispered into the blackness. 


The voice seemed to be coming from all directions somehow but that was impossible.

Hello? Please don't leave... I'm already lonely enough. 

Axel hesitated, "Sorry I'm just trying to figure out where you are... Where are you? I can't see or sense you,"

I'm not sure... I've been wondering through here for a long time. It's always dark but sometimes I feel like I'm reliving some of my worst memories and can't escape, but that's fine. I'm just glad that I have someone different to talk to than Toddle and Shine. 

Axel was silent for a little while before starting down the corridor again. "You said you knew Chiree right?"

Yep! The voice seemed just as loud as before even when Axel walked in a random direction.

"How exactly do you know her... I mean other than the criminal thing..."

She's still an outlaw... That's a little depressing but meanwhile back to the question... I'm her partner. We made a rescue team together not too long ago... Team Evergreen... Though we haven't done any rescues for a long time... It's kinda hard to do that when you're on the run from literally the whole world. 

Axel froze as the words enveloped his mind. "P-P-Partner?" 

Yeahhhh... Why do you sound so surprised? I'm sure she's told you about me... I bet she's worried sick. Is she nearby? Am I talking to much? Sorry if that's the case, it's been a long time since I've talked to anyone REAL in a while... 

Axel physically couldn't move. "You're... Murcle!?" 

Mmhmm... That's me... See, you know who I am. Which means you do know Chiree. Do you know where she is? Or a way out of here rather... 

"Murcle... I'm not sure how to tell you this but..." Axel fidgeted with his one remaining tusk nervously. 

Hmm? What is it?

Axel bit his lip. "Murcle. You've been dead for more than 10 years... How are you here?" 


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