Act II: Chapter 17: The Tresure room

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A lone charmander stood alone in the forest waiting for someone to appear. The calming surroundings of the forest didn't help them either. It only made them feel even more uncomfortable.

They tapped their long, shiny claw on the ground impatiently saying, "What's taking him so long to frickin GET HERE!"

"I'm right here..." Blake snorted coming through the trees.

The charmander jump led at the sound of his voice. "Jeez Blake! You're getting to good at blocking your thoughts. Then again... how can I do anything in this damn body,"

"...Why did you choose it then..."

Charmander shrugged, "You did say lay low... This is the lowest I could possibly go,"

Blake's eyes went to the lizards unlit tail. What did others say about that. He thought rolling his eyes.

They followed Blakes gaze to their tail, "Ha-ha-ha, BITE ME! This was the best I could find,"


"So, back to the task at hand... Well?"

"Axel escaped,"



The fire type took a step back. "Humans? Plural?"

Blake nodded, "A Turtwig. Goes by the name of Turly,"

"...Soon... the protectors of life and earth shall join with the demon born in hell..." They mumbled, "They must die for our plan to work... They must DIE NOW!" They said punching a tree. Or at least was a tree. Now it appeared to just be a stump. "Do whatever it takes to find them,"

"And what of Axel?"

"Either way..." The charmander thought for a moment. "Most preferably alive if that's possible. He hasn't gone through his proper process yet and he could be even more difficult now then then to catch and finish his transformation,"

Blake nodded turning back to the trees.

"Oh and Blake,"

He turned to face the monstrosity of the mangled figure poking out of various parts of the charmander with a smile that couldn't be more evil and demonlike. "You should know the drill by now... KiLl ThE LoOsE EnDs!¡!"

 KiLl ThE LoOsE EnDs!¡!"

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Turly couldn't find himself falling asleep. These days he even had difficulty even keeping his eyes closed. Who could blame him? When you see one of your closest friends kill and even start eating the corpse of the only person who gave you a place in the world. (Even if she was a giant pain in the tail.) It gets to you. Makes you not know what to trust anymore. Turly hadn't felt this alone since he was human. And it was even worse now since there was nothing like a video game in this world to anchor him to forget about the fact that his parents left him to fend for himself. Now he felt like he was walking next to a walking time bomb. Chiree though, the first human to exist in this form as a chikorita, always seemed to never be concerned that Axel my blow up and attack again. What's worse is Axel wouldn't even remember what he did when it happened. He tried his best to stay positive as he always tried to be normally. But Axel seemed to warp his thoughts into worrying about his own safety.

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