"I'm done with ya ya bad dog. Sit!" Ana growls making the dog freeze at the command before he complies sits down hard befire he receives a punch from the woman that made it fall.

She clasps her arms under the dog before he could fall onto the iron cloud and gently lays him on the ground. Ohm strikes Zoro with his sword, sends him flying to a ruin, and widens his eyes at his defeated pet. He scowls at the woman as he pushes up his sunglasses and sense more auras approaching.

"This will be interesting" the pirates look at him in confusion when a group of twenty people jump onto the island through the cloud.

Half of them are goat like clergymen under Enel, and the other half are the Shandorians. What surprised both Zoro and Ana though, was that Nami, and a little girl wearing a pale-yellow dress and cap, are riding a waver up the beanstalk with goat clergymen hopping after them.

Wiper stops trying to kill the snake, who's slithering towards the intruders, and widens his eyes at the little Shandorian girl when he realizes who she is.

"What's Aisa doing here?!" he doesn't get an answer as some of the goat men keep chasing them up the stalk, so he goes after them.

"I'll go help Nami" Ana said "Ya got this?" Zoro nods as he returns to his battle with the priest.

"Kill them, meh!" one of the goat men says as they get close to the girls, but before they could lay a hand on them both Anamaria and Wiper knock them off the plant. Nami and Aisa look back at their friends in shock as Anamaria climbs up after them.

"Ana? Where have you been?! And where are the others?!" Nami asks but the tattooed woman ignores her question and asks one of her own.

"I should be asking you, why's there a kid 'ere?!" Ana replies as she sees the young girl.

"It's a long story" Nami says while Aisa's eyes widened at the sight of a huge snake trying to follow the dark haired woman that was besides them.

She's become wary, not because of the sight of the new woman, but because she realizes that the strange aura that's been bothering her since yesterday has been coming from this girl. She tightens her grip on Nami's legs as she glares at the tanned woman.

"Why do you...?!"

"AISA, GET AWAY FROM THEM!" Wiper calls out as he aims his cannon at them.

Ana's eyes widen at the raised cannon as he fires at them, but before it could hit anyone, Pierre flies towards them while Gan Fall grabs the waver, and Ana uses the water to help lift all the tiny boat up. Nami grabs onto the knight to keep themselves balanced with the little girl clinging to the navigator's legs for support. Anamaria jumping onto Sable who let out the equivalent of a snake grunt as the woman landed on her.

"Are you guys ok?!" Nami nods as she looks around, and widens her eyes at the second serpent

"Oh my god, that's another huge snake!"

The group look in her direction and bug their eyes out at the snake, to see her face right next to them with hunger in her golden eyes. Anamaria and Sable were too distracted as they tried to defend them to see what was happening until a loud, strange hiss got her attention.

"No fuckin' way" Ana's jaw dropped when she saw the new snake swallow the small group.

"What are those morons doing?!" Zoro blocks Ohm's strike and drops his jaw at the sight.

"Dammit, Aisa!" Wiper says as he skates after the snake to try to spit his comrade out while the battle on the ruins continues.


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