Chapter 61

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Why is he here? Because I'm helping with the wedding? But you said my idea was stupid. It is babe. Okay, what's wrong with sleeveless suits at the wedding? Everything. And no your backup can't be Hawaiian shirts. Y'all are limiting my shine man. Shine brighter honey. Sam said kissing his cheek. I'm doomed. She whispered.

Is it good? Yeah. Ro you okay? Yeah why? I just feel like we haven't talked is all. Well we haven't. We're talking now. Sure but. But what? It's been five months since mom died. Yes and I'm honestly just okay kinda angry but I understand that it happens sissy. Why do you think it happens? Cause people like Rodrigo win at things that people like mom simply can't win at. Not always. But with people like us yes. I got us out of there and yes I left mom with him but she wasn't mad. She has every reason to be and so do I but I love you and you love me. Ro. That's why all of a sudden we're talking about our dead mother because we don't know hot to grieve. Grieving doesn't have a textbook on the right way to do it. I mean are we ever gonna talk about Ramiro? No. Right. Ro he hurt me. So did dad and mom and we talk about them a lot. We can talk about him. He wasn't the best person. Right. But he never did anything bad to me and I know that he. Nope. Rae. Ro I get it but I'm stuck with what he did and I was there when you told me about what dad did because it happened but I'm just now getting the hang of what triggers me and what doesn't and talking about HIM.....triggers me. Well don't forget about me in the process. I haven't. Seems like you have. And it seems like you've forgotten that I've lost a lot too. Wow.

I think I'll take them to her grave today, they need it. You all do. Will you come with us too? Of course. Thank you. Sam smiled softly. How are you handling all of this death? And the move? The wedding. I'm stressed about all of it and I'm trying to be a good brother and person but. You don't have to try at those things. Thanks. Continue. I've haven't had the time to grieve her or Ramiro and as much as they and I hate them..I spent a lot of time with him too. Yeah. Sam said rubbing his back. I don't wanna forget to grieve because she deserves more, I mean she was my mom and it doesn't feel real. I'd say to do the grave thing today and maybe a small therapy session and you don't have to if you don't want but maybe talking more about it will be easier. Thanks babe for the advice and asking how I feel about it. Always love. Does your mom know about mine? Not yet and I haven't told her we're engaged. SAM! It's just been a long time and I've been so busy but we can tell her today. Your mom was my mom's best friend. I know, this'll really suck but I think it'll be good to still have a mom at the wedding. Yeah me too and I can't wait to see her. Yeah I miss her a lot and I'm thinking about how much I do want her in my life. Well good honey. I love you Raul. I love you too sam.

Have I not been listening or being there for him? I mean I'm struggling too, this is still fresh. I know kid. Throughout his whole life I've held his hand and he held my optimism for me, believed it would be okay so who am I to not do the same for him..he's lost so much and I know him losing our relationship would break him. You fighting for him right now proves that you chose him a long time ago and will continue to so you'll need to hear each other to get through this patch, I have no siblings and even I know that this is something that'll last. Thanks dad. You're welcome kid. What if I can't come back from this? You can and will and if you don't, I'll be here for you. I'll go talk to him. I'm so proud of you. Really?!?! Yes and so is your mom. No no she can't be. She has every right and more to be and your doubts won't stop that, she has hope for you all but she was the most right about you. Yeah? Of course kiddo. Rae teared up and hugged him.

Where are we going? Nowhere now cause we're here. The graveyard? Yep. Why? Because you guys haven't seen it after the funeral and you deserve to talk to her. Rae looked over at Ro. Ro got out the car as everyone else did. Where is it? Over here...come. Raul walked over and stood in front of it. I miss you mama, I know I'm only six and we didn't get a lot of time but you shifted a lot of your love and hope into me and I've  been trying to live and get through this but how can I? When I barely knew you and no one gets the pain of that so I'm just stuck crying over someone who I didn't know..if I was older and stronger I'd stop him but everyone knows that we couldn't...I'm sorry you were robbed of a life with us. When you showed us Ro for the first time after having him I cried super hard and you saw it and comforted me, you always knew when something was wrong and to me that was magic and so were you, you were magic and you had a plan for me and Ro and we've been trying to make you proud but there's so many moments where we can't get it right...but somehow you did with all of us so I won't let Ro go and I won't upset him anymore..I'll have hope. Mom you were my best friend and I knew I wasn't yours and that's okay and out of all the times I cried or came to you I should've seen how tired you were but we all were and I just think we all gave up at certain points of our lives and you seen what that was like yet you still have hope so I have hope for our family, what's left of it. You were so so nice to me and welcoming that finding out that you were no longer here literally split my heart in two but I was glad enough to love you son and be under the influence of you when we did have're so missed. We love you mom. Love you mom. I love you mom. Rae grabbed Ro's hand and Ro grabbed Raul as Raul grabbed Sam's. They all stared at her grace that read "Grace Wilson, Beloved and The Hopeful".

Sissy I'm sorry about what I said about Ramiro I just wanted you to know that I hated him too even though he wasn't that bad to me but I hate him because he hurt my best friend to the point where I can't even mention him without you getting upset which hurts me because no one has really helped with that. It's okay Ro, I'm just worried about you. Sissy, I think we should go to a therapy session this week because In moments I blame you but I don't think it's always you, I just get upset of being left out and don't know how to deal but I'm going to terms with mom. I think I am too. I love you Rae. I love you too Ro. Rae smiled.

So how do you feel? Honestly I'm just. Yeah I get it. Rae sighed onto Leo's stomach. You're doing so great though. Thank you Leo. Hmm. How are you? Relieved. I understand that alot. But not only because he's gone but because the scared part of me is too, you know I put on this front that I wasn't but as long as he lived I'd knew he'd follow me even if I was 3,000 miles away. And it's like you couldn't breathe? Right.

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