Chapter 56

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Sam will you take the greatest honor and be my wife? Wha- what what are you saying. I'm saying. Raul got on one knee holding her hand. That I want you to be my wife, will you marry me? YES! Of course I will. Raul grabbed the ring and put it on her ring finger. It's stunning. You're stunning. You are. They hungrily kissed each other as everyone clapped. Lovely. Hey she said yes too bad about the makeover he's in DESPERATE need of one. Rae laughed. Yeah.

I can make your dress. WHAT??? Yeah I used to make wedding dresses back then and if you want an authentic and unique one then I can do it. Um yes please! Lisa smiled embracing Sam. You're gonna make an ravishing bride. Thank youuuu. Rae walked up to the two. Rae you're my bridesmaid yes. Well you've made an GREAT decision. Sam laughed as Rae walked away. Sissy I'm ring bearer! AHHHH. I'm one of the bridesmaids!!!! Isn't that a little weird? Shush. Got it. Rae laughed as Ro did too. Its gonna be great. Raul walked in as everyone exclaimed. There he is! The romantic gesturer. Raul smiled. Thank you thank you. Sam smiled softly at him and whispered I love you. He whispered it back and looked at Rae and Ro. Are you sad that Ramiro isn't here? Not one bit. Yeah. He wasn't apart of this family like mom or you guys were. So unfortunate mom didn't see it. She did..she's the one who pushed me to. She knew Sam was your hope. I did too. You're still in need of an desperate and I mean DESPERATE makeover. Ro I will take away quality brother time and not talk to you until the wedding next year. Okay I'm done. Rae chuckled. Let's do something. Like? Raul put his hands out for each one of them to grab. Let's promise to always be there by the other person whenever they're going through something or even when they're not. Cheesy but sure. Yeah Raul this is weird. Stop being mean to my fiancé. HA! You're glad we like her. What are you gonna do?? Kill her?!?!. Let's just hurry this up. I promise. I promise. I promise.

I'm glad that they're getting married. Yeah me too. All of you deserve happiness. Wait weren't you supposed to leave? Not anymore my dad uh died two months ago. WHAT?? Leo why didn't you tell me. He wasn't important. Leo said shrugging unbothered. But you're important to me and now you have no one. I have you. Rae smiled. Ugh I feel horrible. Please don't, I think about him like once a week and then move on...he's never cared about my mom or me so I could care less. But we didn't hang out like at all. It's okay Rae. If you say so. I literally do. He said laughing. How are you? I'm in a weird spot I don't know. Why? Everything is moving fast. I get that, it's the opposite for me. Wait so do you not have any type of guardians? Nope. God Leo I'm so upset. Rae it'll be fine I swear. Well I and Matt broke up two months ago if that makes you feel better in any way. Rae that doesn't at all. Huge fight. Ugh. I threw up from crying so hard then saw him at the wedding. Oh my goodness. It's like every-time I see him he cuts off my air wave but not in a good way anymore and he just had the nerve. Seems like he always did. Fight was about you mostly. What? Yeah he was mad about the necklace and us hanging out. Oh. Uh yeah. Well that's. Yeah I know. Are you okay? Think so, are you? Think so I just don't wanna see you hurt. He was the reason for that not you. Yeah I know but still. It's okay. Matt grabbed her hand. There was an proposal and somehow all of this is still sad. Rae laughed. Right??? Want a burrito? YES! I knew it. Matt grabbed the burritos out the fridge and slid her one. Do you want me to warm it up? Nah. You sure?? Yes. Rae opened it and took a bite. Mmmm so good. Slow down girl. Hmmm.

It's my birth gem. It is. I love it and I love you. Sam said kissing his cheek. I love you Sam. I wish your mom could've watched it happen. She did. Sam looked at him and put her head in his chest. I miss her a lot. Yes she was amazing. You know I didn't see a lot of your relationship with her, was she always nice to you? There was one time where she went off on me because of my relationship with my parents but that was the only time she got mad at me. I don't think you ever told me about that. Cause it was nothing and there's point of bringing it up. Of course there is. She was amazing and I can't bring myself to talk about her because she treated me better than my own mother. Sam. Raul I can't. She loved you a lot...said that you were infinite. I believe her soul is too. Well I'm gonna cry. I already am. What??? I didn't even notice. Yeah. That waterproof mascara works really well. Sam laughed. I miss her too sam.

Have you been shot!? Yes. Oh. It was war man. I know but makes me sad. You asked. Ro sighed. It's okay kid...I promise. Let's lighten up the conversation! How's Lisa? Haven't seen her since the hospital. Why not? Don't have the strength to. I'll bring her here. No no I don't want her to see me like this. She already has. I could die. I could die too but I don't just sit and think about that. Because you're not old. Neither are you! I will be tomorrow. What? My birthday is tomorrow. WHAT?! Why didn't you tell us. Because I knew you'd react like that. But but. But what? You were just gonna act like it was a normal day tomorrow. Yeah me and Lisa were gonna hang out or go on a date and then chill. Pa. Yes? You're breaking my heart. It's like you want me to sky dive. You should!!! You keep talking about death, so why not? Absolutely! Yayy. Not. Po said deadpanning. Yep should've gathered that. Right. Well i won't tell anyone. Thank you kid. I love you. I love you too Ro.

Rae rubbed her stomach and looked at Leo. Why are you eating so slow? Does your stomach hurt?? Yes. Well there's your answer. Showoff. She muttered. Leo laughed and took a bite. So so what? So so so what? What's your role at the wedding? To hang your m-. Never-mind. Here I'll help you with the joke, bang on her grave and say come backkk! Your son is not afraid of a girl. Leo no. What?! I helped you out. He said laughing as food fell out of his mouth. Rae made a disgusting face and grabbed her unused fork to scoop it up and give it to him. I helped you out see. Leo smiled chewing again. Is it weird I invited you? Do you even wanna go? Of course...Rae you're gonna be there and Raul has been so amazing towards me so yes. What do you mean? About Raul. Um I guess I can tell you now. Tell me what Leo? That when you were upset about the breakup and went over your friends house he uh came over and helped me with my dad. H- he did?

Leo? Who is it. Raul. Oh hey man. Leo walked out and looked at Raul. Where's your dad? Morgue. Oh Leo man. Yeah I've been in my room since. When did he die? Last night. I'm not good at this stuff man, I don't know what to say that'll make this easier. You're a good person and I need that right now. Thanks Leo. What was it like when your mom died? Hard and fast you know I couldn't bring myself to go in her hospital room cause i believed that Rae and Ro needed their time with her but time slips away so much so I just had to process what I had left and even that wasn't much but I know it's different with your dad. It's like weight off my shoulders and a fist off my face so I'm happy for that. But do you have anyone? No and I've accepted that. Leo that's not. You know I remember Rae from when we were little but she doesn't? Why are we talking about her right now? Because she's that person for me my sun and moon and you might not get that but I and her do. The necklace yeah man I get it. Ah. I have that with someone too but it's just a engagement ring because she's my soulmate.

Leo I had no idea. We didn't want you to know. Leo you're the strongest person I know. I don't want that title though I just wanna be normal. I understand. No no you don't! Leo hit the table and looked at Rae. Rae jumped slightly. I'm in love with you Rae and somehow it's taken you YEARS to realize that but I do and you can chase Matt or never date anyone in this vicinity again but I've followed you half my life and you still don't see it. I love you too. Rae said smiling softly. And there's a reason why I never took off the necklace even when I was with Matt because you carried me with you. The necklace is my version of an wedding ring because my mom would approve the hell outta you. Leo.

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