Chapter 17

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Rae heard a knock on the door. She hurried up and answered it because it was time to go back to school. Rae and Ro Wilson? Uhm yeah. Who is it sissy? Ro ran up to her. Your mother um she's. She's what?? What happened. The woman moved out the way and revealed Raul And Ramiro. Hey guys. Rae's stomach dropped but she kept a straight face and Ro he was stuck. Rae's hand was just on his head. Hi. How's it going? Um I don't know your name but we have to get to school. Does it look like you're going to school. Ramiro added. As to the eyes see that we're LITERALLY wearing uniform and have our book bags i'd say yes. Ramiro was about to walk over but Raul stopped him. We all know it's been awhile let's just go see mom. I'm not going back there I'm sorry. And I'm gonna stay with sissy! Well we didn't drive all the way here for nothing. Um yeah you technically did. Rae and Ro pushed past them and headed to school. Sissy maybe we should go. No we're not. But. Ro stop. Okay. She looked at him. After school we can but you're coming with me and we're riding with Raul not Ramiro. Why sissy? I can't tell you yet. Take your time. Rae grabbed her necklace for support and remembered what Po said about it being the answer that the person who gave it to her couldn't answer and he was right.

Matt was back at school which made Rae a little happy but she still couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. What's wrong? My brothers are back, they uh moved out a long time ago and now they're back but what sucks is they left me and Ro to get hit and now my mom might be dead and I'll have to face my abusive dad. If it makes you feel any better my dad is getting worse by the minute and I'll be gone for a month. Wait what, where are you going? Europe with Ryan and my aunt um after he dies or gets worse basically we're gonna have his funeral there. Oh wow matt that's horrible. No no he wanted it like that so it'll be fine. That still sucks. Yeah..they have this medicine they think will help him but he's so far gone into the sickness we all know the truth. That's horrible I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about what's happening with you too. Thanks.

Hey Nicole and Raine? Yeah? Can you give this to coach please. What is it? Uh a letter, me and Ro are leaving and I don't know how long we'll be gone but I still wanna play and work my ass off when I get back because you guys inspired me to be on this team and I don't want to lose that so I explained everything in this letter and I'm gonna miss you guys. God Rae we're gonna miss you so much. They both hugged her. And Ro of course. They hugged Ro. Of course we'll give the letter and we're gonna make a group-chat and shit talk the girls on the team. Rae laughed giving the girls her number.

Hey Po we're gonna be gone for a bit and we'll be back with dad and our brothers. Oh. Yeah but hopefully not too long to where you get worse or something like that. I'll be okay, I've survived the army and a dead soulmate. Fair. Rae and Ro hugged him and gave him the gifts they got at the hospital gift shop. We're gonna think of you! Ro said. And we're gonna miss you. I'll miss you kids too. They pulled out the hug. Oh and save me some strawberries please if you get out. Of course I will. Rae smiled. Bye Po. Bye kids. They walked out as Rae tried to hold back her tears she couldn't. Sissy! Ro hugged her as she held onto the wall. It won't be too much time, I promise. Rae didn't say anything. She just fell into the hug.

So you guys will be gone? Yeah. How long? We don't know. Sucks, we just started hanging out again. Yeah but it's our mom and you know. I had a mom I know. Leo. Yes? Rae just stared at him holding ro's hand. Rae hugged him. You can run from him. She whispered. What? Rae and Ro walked away. Thanks for the necklace. You're welcome.

Okay ready? Yep. So you'll go wit-. Um me and Ro will go with Raul. But. No two riding with Raul shouldn't make any difference we're all going to the same place are we not? Yeah. Okay so like I said me and Ro will go with Raul. Alright then. Rae held onto Ro's hand and headed to the car. Sissy I'm scared. Me too but I grabbed a knife. Okay. Raul headed in the back with Rae and Ro. Woah woah what are you doing? Can I? Rae gave him a look but she knew that ro would want to talk. Yeah sure. Ro sat up excitedly. Hey little man. Hii! You're five now right? Mhm. Niceee. Ro smiled. Hey Rae. Hi. Are you okay? I'm not doing this with you, if mom is dead THAT is why me and Ro are coming but us bonding after two years is not why we're coming. I'm sorry. No you're not, not for that night and not for leaving. I am ESPECIALLY for that. No don't say you're sorry cause I brought it up and you were there..everything was fine but I just knew you would come and ruin it. Rae. Don't. Sissy I'm tired. Here's your blanket. Thanks. Actually come here. Ro climbed over Raul and sat in Rae's lap. Just sleep. He extended his legs over Raul's lap and laid his head on Rae's lap. You're a good sister. I know, leave me alone.

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