Chapter 10

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*Rae was sitting looking at her dad at the dinner table as her older brothers watched with their mouths sewed shut and that part wasn't too different from reality, she took a bite of her food but felt crawling in her cheeks so she dropped her spoon, she couldn't stop the crawling it was the most annoying feeling ever and her dad was yelling at her but it was silent and even though it was...silent she could still feel that tension and anger, her dad tried to reach across the table and get her but she ran away in enough time even though the table scratched her and she was bleeding she just kept running until she looked back and her brothers caught up to her and pushed her on the ground and opened their mouths as bugs fell on her *. Rae woke up and put her hand in a bowl of ice but it wasn't ice.

Good morning sissy. Ro why is my hand in a bowl of spaghettios and not my ice right now. Cause I had spaghettios. Where's my ice??? I got thirsty. RO! I'm sorry. No you're not. You snooze you lose. I SNOOZED AND HAD A BAD DREAM! And I thought my ice would be HEREE! I'm sorr-. Rae got up and walked out the room. When are we gonna get our beds off the ground? When you start being grateful. I am I'm just tired. Then sleep on the ground like you have been. Okay. What's wrong? Nothing. Rae washed her hand off and turned towards Po. Schools tomorrow. And yet you remind me. Are you nervous? Nervousness is for lawyers and first time parents no I'm fine. Well you're a firecracker. Don't ever say that again. Po laughed and motioned for her to come over. Nightmare? How'd you know. Was in the army and had shell shock for four years. Jesus. He couldn't even help me. Yeah and ro can't help me. Maybe I can. Rae finally gave in and sat down. Why'd you take us in? You're like 80 and your wife is dead so like? First of all I'm 66 and second I took you in because abuse isn't taken lightly and no one seen to grasp that but your dad seemed to grasp onto your arm a little tighter than usual. Wow. Is it not the truth? Or did you not just sit here and be ageist and insensitive about my deceased wife. I'm sorry. I'm just kidding, I don't care! You sure? I was in the army and my mom was bipolar, I'm fine and can take a joke. Can you take a nightmare though? Or do you need to sleep with me? I'm perfectly fine thank you. Yeah okay.

Rae sighed and thought about her mom. Mommy!!! Hiii. Hi raeeee. Why do you have sunglasses on? Doesn't matter. Rae's mom grabbed her hand hurriedly and started to panic walk away from the school. Mom where are we going? Far away from your dad. Oh. Where are your brothers? They're staying after school for sports. Are they coming too? Yes of course why wouldn't they? No reason. Rae looked at the ground. What's wrong love? I- wel-. Speak up kiddo. It doesn't matter. I don't have time for this..we have to go. You're being mean. No I'm being careful but you don't get it cause you're only six. Yes I do. What is it then? Daddy is hitting you. Rae and her mom stopped walking. Rae's mom looked at her. Ra- wha-. We don't have time for this, let's go before he finds us. Yeah okay sure yeah okay. Rae? Rae? Sissy! Huh? Oh. Hm. Yes ro? Can we talk? Yeah of course. Do you actually love me? Ro why would you ask that. Got my answer. No come back. Rae gave to a concerned look as he sat back down. I love you more than the star's twinkle in the sky. Kinda lame sissy. If you remember it and don't think how cheesy it is in the moment then it won't be lame. She said nudging him. Do you ever think that dad loved mom at any point? If he did it was useless cause look at her and all of us now. We haven't seen them in three years ro. They can come to us. Rae they're our brothers. Yeah well they can eat shit. Yeah. Ro looked at the ground sad. Heyy it'll be okay, we'll be okay.

The unloved heart of Rae WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now