Chapter Fifteen

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                               1:09 a.m.
(Ro & Rae talking about random stuff)

Do you ever think about Ramiro and Raul?! Ro questioned looking at Rae for a slight second then back at the wall that her bed was up against. Sometimes. Rae answered shortly. Ro stayed quiet thinking about her response. Oh. Ro replied confusingly. Do you??! Rae asked reasonably and curiously. I don't remember them that much so no. Ro answered honestly. Your birthday is coming up Rooooo. Rae exclaimed excitedly as Ro sighed. Rae don't. Ro responded trying to get a more subtle reaction out of her. Okay sorry. Rae replied still smiling. I didn't expect my nose to heal this fast. Ro commented touching his still bruised up nose. Yeah but noses are tough. Rae stated unwarranted. Noses are tough??! Ro remarked sitting up and snickering. Shut up! Rae replied hitting his leg as laughed louder. Put that on a shirt..."noses are tough". Ro said doing a swiping hand motion like there was a title card in between his hands as Rae rolled her eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if I got that shirt for my birthday present. Ro added. SHUT UP ABOUT IT RO!!! Rae yelps at Ro who just laughed to himself while looking at her. Rae giggled softly.

                                  1:21 a.m.
      (Ro and Rae talking some more)

You ever wonder what dad was like before he and mom met? If he always was so abusive or if something triggered it??! Rae asked intensely. I could never see dad as someone who was nice. Ro remarks truthfully. I always wondered why mom didn't just leave. Rae said out laying on the edge of the bed as her head hung over ro's trundle. Rae domestic abuse relationships are extremely difficult to get out of and mom is a very stubborn and righteous woman rightfully so. Ro argued sensibly. I know that Ro it's just a genuine thought of mine. Rae expressed seriously. I'm sorry Rae I'm sorry. Ro apologized regrettably. Ro you should never apologize I'm just telling you how I feel but you should never apologize unless you genuinely mess up, okay? Rae stated acknowledging his sensitivity. I feel things in such big proportions I mean someone who has no idea I exist can affect me so deeply I'd cry for days it's so hard to get up and live everyday Rae and it's even harder to be sensitive while trying to live but I'm not sorry about that and I'll never apologize about that. Ro expressed beautifully.
Rae looked at him in admiration. I love you Ro. I love you too Rae. Ro replied appreciatively.

                               1:32 a.m.
       (Ro & Rae talking some more)

Mom being in the hospital really scares me. Ro reveals. Yeah I didn't expect her to have a seizure it was so shattering. Rae replied. It must've been so scary for her. Ro says quietly to himself but still loud enough for Rae to hear. Is there anything you wanna do for your birthday Roel??! Ro picked at his skin that was on his wrist as Rae waited for an answer. We should go see mom tomorrow. Ro replied completely avoiding Rae's question. We can do that but you're afraid of doctors and hospitals so why does it being mom change any of that?! Because it's MOM Rae. Roel snapped enunciating the word mom. Ro I didn't me-. No I know what you meant and you can shove it up your ass. Ro replied defensively. Wow. Rae muttered writing in her journal. WHAT rae??! What do you have to say to me?! Nothing, nothing at all. Rae answered calmly. I'm going through stuff with the mom situation too Roel. Rae expressed sincerely hurt from ro.

                              2:23 a.m.
  (Roel and Rae talking some more)

Rae I'm sorry for getting mad at you. Ro said sweetly offering her one of the two grilled cheeses he made. Rae looked down as the plate then him and smirked a little. Did you add the parsley??! Rae questioned intentionally. I did. Rae took a quick bite and huffed in pain from the heat. Oh yeah it's hot. Ro muttered comedically. It's really good Roel thank you. Rae said appreciatively of his apology and food. You're Welcome. Rae you know how not too long ago you asked if I liked someone? Ro mentioned randomly. Uh yeah I do briefly. Rae answered taking another bite of the sandwich. I think I do. Ro replied with a subtle realization. Oh? Whoooo??! Rae asked with a funny voice. I'm scared to tell you. Ro responds directly. Oh. Rae says out gently putting her sandwich on the plate and sighing. I'm sorry if I made it to where you felt like you couldn't tell me anything ro. Rae states genuine. I just need more time Rae. Ro says cutting her off a little. Oh..okay. Rae murmured offended. Ro jumped up and sat beside her on her bed. You're my best friend Rae. Ro said sweetly laying his head on her shoulder and grabbing her grilled cheese shoving it in his mouth unbothered. You fucker. Rae muttered crossing her arms.

                                  3:45 a.m.
     (Pulling an all nighter at this point)

You think it's weird we don't speak Spanish? Ro asked playing on the laptop that was a hand me down from Ramiro and Raul who used it essentially for porn and stupid YouTube videos but Roel actually needed it for school. Eh not really. Rae answered clearly with a shrug to really express that she didn't care about the topic. I think it's weird like of course mom tried her hardest but she's fully white and dad's never been more than a stubborn sadistic asshole so I only know a few things. Ro said frustratedly. I didn't know it bothered you that much Ro, we are Mexican- American so we're kinds off the hook and it's not like we JUST know could always ask Ramiro or Raul if you really wanna learn. Rae explains sensibly. You're so mean sometimes. Not true. Rae replied tying her hair up into a bun and plopping her head down on the bed. Can't stop thinking about that grilled cheese. Rae expressed deeply remarked of ro's food talent. And I'm still thinking about the "noses are tough" sincerity. Ro joked snorting to himself. Shut up. Rae responded hitting him with her pillow as he grabbed it and hit her. Okay okay.

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