Thud thud thud thud. I spin around just in time to roll out of the way of a bullet headed for me as three new guards appear. I jump up onto my feet, ducking out of the way of another shot.

I dive behind the stack of wood and reach for the gun I took from the first guard. Then, without thinking about it, I jump out of cover.

I twist and duck out of the way of more gunfire as I take the five small steps to the closest guard. I swipe his hands with my forearm as I shoot down at his foot. He screams, crumpling to the floor.

Pain erupts in the side of my face, and I let out a shout. My vision doubles and a stinging sensation tingles behind my eyes. The guard goes in for a second punch, but before he can, my palm precisely slams into his throat. He drops the gun and clutches at his neck, gasping desperately for air, his face reddening.

"Freeze!" the third guard shouts, standing back.

I shoot before he's even finished saying the word. Blood explodes out of his knee and he collapses to the ground.

I go back to the guard who I shot in the foot, slamming my boot into his face. He flies into the ground, unconscious.

Now, my heart is pounding. In the distance, sirens scream. I even see the flashing blue and red lights. I crouch down, quickly disassembling the sniper and putting it away. I remain calm by controlling my breathing and not thinking about the worst of what could happen.

My movements are fast and precise, and soon, the gun and the bullet casing are packed away. I leave nothing I bought with me behind.

Then, without looking at the camera. I say the words Cobalt instructed me to, speaking in my native tongue and letting my true accent ring thick.

"If we can get him, we can get you. Leave our Realm alone. This is your only warning."

The voice changer works perfectly, much to my relief after all that fighting.

I spin on my heels and run.

I charge down the stairs as the sound of sirens gets louder and louder. I try to zone them out and focus on my own sure footing.

This is no different than running through the moors and being hunted down by the Athainian military. It is no different to being chased down by my own tutors during my exams.

Escape and evasion. It's just another escape and evasion test. This very scenario is why they trained me so brutally in this subject. Now, I want to thank them for being so diligent and so strict with it.

I get to the second floor. Knowing the doors are going to be surrounded, I run to the side of the building and leap out of the window. I land on my feet and roll forward so the shock isn't taken fully in my knees. Already, police cars are surrounding the front and back of the building. I run for the fence, still hidden from their headlights as they aren't at this section yet.

Just as I had on the way in, I climb over the fence with ease. I've disappeared into an alleyway before they've even gotten out of their cars.

Then, I run like I've never run before.


"Impressive," Connor says as I show him the bruise developing on my face. Luckily, it just missed my eye, but a big purple lump is forming on my cheekbone. I press ice against it and slump back on the sofa.

My body trembles as the adrenaline wears off and my mind starts to process everything that happened.

I had run for miles, taking back allies and going down shadowed streets. All until I reached the drop point where I threw the gun away ready for it to be collected by another agent.

The Skin ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now