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Chapter 33

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Kiora winces under the weight of the dress as she climbs the steps up onto the golden palanquin. Carefully, she takes a seat on the plush velvet cushions. She shifts uncomfortably as the dress digs into her and pinches her skin.

She watches as an array of soldiers march toward her. All of them wear stunning copper armour that gleams in the sunlight. Kiora can hardly look away from the metallic scales that cover the breastplates beneath the intricate, metal vines that decorate them. Their faces are covered in masks that look like a strange mix of human and dragon faces. The masks are as beautiful as they are terrifying with their gleaming scales and metallic patterns.

The soldiers move into place. Some stand next to the palanquin and others around it protectively, their spears drawn.

Orders are shouted and at once, they pick up the palanquin. Kiora reaches out to steady herself as it moves. Soon, the palanquin is secured on their shoulders. Kiora's eyes widen as none of them looks as though they are struggling. The soldiers all stand perfectly straight, and still. There are no shaking limbs or grunts of excursion.

Another order is shouted and they begin to move. Kiora is surprised by how smooth it is. The giant gates to the palace open. Immediately, her stomach twists with fear. Lining the road out of the palace are thousands of people, held back from the empty path by more copper-clad soldiers.

Kiora remembers Sorcha's words just before she left.

"Look ahead, look confident. Even if you're shitting yourself. Smile if you want to, or look mysterious. It's up to you."

Kiora gulps and takes in a shallow breath as she enters the sandy, vibrant street. Hanging from the buildings above her are strings of celebratory flags, all of them decorated with the emperor's sigil.

Peaking out of the corner of her eyes, she looks at the people who line the streets. Some cheer and wave the nation's flags. Others bow their heads respectfully. Many stand in stunned silence as they look upon her for the first time. Their eyes widen, and their mouths hang open.

As she passes, strange, hushed silence falls over the spectators. Kiora tries not to think too deeply about it and instead, focuses on not looking as terrified as she feels.

The further they travel into the city, the more Kiora finds herself in slight awe of the place. She has to admit, the emperor has done an excellent job. Everything is so clean, so perfect. The buildings of golden, sandy-coloured stone look even more bright with the array of vines of vibrant flowers that climb over them.

Yet, despite all the colour, The Dragons' Nest still looms over them. Even from low down in the street, Kiora can still see the Nest towering over the buildings. She looks away quickly and tries to focus on the good parts of the city. Luckily, any roars of dragons are drowned out by the cheers of the onlookers.

Slowly, they make their way through the maze of streets. Kiora isn't sure how much time has passed by the time they reach the cathedral. As they approach the giant building, her hands begin to tremble.

She looks up at the building. She was right about one thing, it is even more spectacular up close than far away. Now, she can see all the intricate stonework clearly and it is breathtaking.

The palanquin is lowered. Kiora shuts her eyes and tries to steady her shaking body. One of the guards holds out a hand and Kiora elegantly stands, despite the heavy dress. Taking their hand, she walks down the steps.

They are in a huge courtyard. Lining the courtyard are yet more city folk. They have all fallen into stunned silence as Kiora starts walking toward the entrance of the cathedral.

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