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Chapter 2

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"You do understand this is all confidential?" Mr Day asks. I nod my head slowly, still trying to process what he said. "You can't tell your family. Not even your mother."

"I know," I reply.

Mr Day stands back up. He walks around his desk and comes to a stop in front of me.

"What did you think would happen, Rowan?" he asks, his voice almost sounding empathetic. "You are the best dream walker, well, since me. Did you think the Prime Minister would waste your skills as just another soldier?"

"I suppose not," I reply, my voice breaking a little.

He sighs and crosses his arms. "You'll have one more test before you can join the Wraiths," he tells me, changing the subject.

"What is it?"

"Do you want me to put it blankly or do you want the fluff version?" he asks.

"Just put it blankly," I reply.

"Torture resistance."

I close my eyes and bite my lip. My stomach drops and starts to churn uncomfortably. He pats me on the shoulder.

"You're strong, Rowan. I know you'll pass." He smiles. All I can do is nod. He goes and sits back down.

"You'll be tested in five days' time."

That's only two days after my graduation ceremony.

"How long the test will last, I cannot tell you. Once you pass, you'll be the newest Wraith. I assume you know what Wraiths are?"

"A little," I say. All I know are the stories that are told about them. They're a group of spies and assassins, the best of the best. From the rumours I have heard, which I assumed were over-exaggerated, Athaine's Wraiths have toppled governments, assassinated realm leaders and gotten away without ever being discovered or captured.

"The Wraiths are more than just spies. They are agents placed extremely deep into enemy territory and yes, often they kill whoever the Prime Minister needs killing. You will never meet your colleagues. You will never know who your fellow Wraiths are, and they will never know about you. When you are sent on a mission, some of which will last for years, Rowan Elliot will cease to exist. You will become the identity we create for you. It is what you've been training for, Rowan."

"I know," I reply.

"Good. You shall receive more information once you have passed your final assessment. So, go back home and enjoy the final days with your family."

"Yes, sir," I say.

He doesn't bother to say goodbye. I know he is done with the conversation when he looks away from me and starts writing on his typewriter once more.

I close my eyes and pull my consciousness from the soldier's body. It is easy. There is little resistance as I become the ghost-like form once more.

The soldier blinks and shakes his head, disorientated. To him, it will feel as though he's just blacked out. He would not have heard what Mr Day and I were talking about. Nor would he have seen anything. When I took over his body, everything would have gone blank.

"You're dismissed," Mr Day says to him. The soldier salutes and turns to leave the room.

I close my eyes and reach out for my own body. With a snap, I am pulled from the room. When I open my eyes, I am travelling across the country so fast that the world looks like one giant blur. After only seconds, I spot my house. Then, I am opening my eyes in my room.

Slowly, I sit up from my bed. My head feels heavy like it normally does after I've dream walked. It takes a few minutes for me to process everything that has been said. I unwrap the hair and put it back in the vial. Once I've done that, I sit on my bed, staring at the wall.

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