Chapter 10

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Laila's POV

It's really discouraging to admit that my life has sunk so low. Lately, the only things that get me excited are those moments when I anticipate Michael's arrival at the office, wondering how he'll interact with me. Will he completely ignore me, shoot me a piercing glare, or maybe even give me that intoxicating look of desire?

Ever since our encounter in the alley last Saturday, I can't help but keep replaying the sensation of his body pressed against mine, even though I know I probably shouldn't. I still see him as an unpleasant person, but I can't deny the overwhelming attraction I feel towards him. I often find myself daydreaming about what it would be like to trace my fingers along his well-defined muscles...

But I need to snap out of these fantasies. I've got way too much free time on my hands since I don't have any friends or social connections within the clan. My brothers are knee-deep in their criminal activities, just like our father, and they've always excluded me from their world. As for my mom, she's too caught up in her role as the perfect housewife to spare any time for me. Meanwhile, my dad keeps me stuck in mundane and legal transactions, never involving me in the more exciting cases at work.

It's like my brainpower and social potential are being completely wasted. No wonder I give in to these primal urges and find myself fixating on Michael's presence, as if he were a mouthwatering piece of meat.

That's why I find myself squeezed into this uncomfortably tight dress, attending the wedding between the daughter of a capo from the Rizzuto clan and a capo from the Ferrero clan. I couldn't care less about the event, but I did feel a twinge of emotion when I saw the girl looking visibly sad about leaving her own family.

To be honest, the only reason I showed up here was in the hope of catching Michael's attention and stunning him with my sexy attire. But as luck would have it, he's not even present.

I'm seated at the reception table alongside my brother Vincenzo, his wife Nicoletta, and my four mischievous nieces and nephews. Needless to say, it's complete chaos, with the four little monsters constantly squabbling, flinging bits of food at each other, while Nicoletta tirelessly scolds them. Vince, being a crooked accountant, is engrossed in his phone, absorbed in manipulating numbers before contracts are sent to our father.

In hindsight, I should have just stayed home. Amidst the chaos, Nicoletta nudges me with excitement in her eyes. "Oh! Oh! Laila! What about that man over there?" She points to a man in his early forties, who looks like a gigolo.

"Nico, are you out of your mind?" I protest, appalled that she would consider him as a potential match for me.

"Oh, come on! He has a certain charm."

"And by 'charm,' you mean his Armani suits, Rolex watch, and the wad of money peeping out of his pocket?" I roll my eyes.

"Well, you'd at least be financially secure with him."

I let out a sigh and prop my chin on my hand, resting my elbow on the table. It's clear that everyone has their own set of criteria. I understand that Nicoletta didn't come from a privileged background, so her idea of a good man revolves around someone who appears to have it all. In our family, money has always been abundant, so it's not a pressing concern for me. However, I highly doubt that my father would allow me to marry a man who couldn't provide at least the same level of quality of life.

Growing increasingly bored as Nicoletta resumes disciplining the kids, I decide to step outside and get some fresh air. Near the venue, there's a small bench where I cautiously sit, careful not to reveal more skin than I already am in this tight, revealing dress.

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