Chapter 21

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Michael's POV

Laila's knocked out cold right next to me, and I can't help but find her sporadic snores adorable. I'm eyeing her naked body lying there, and I could definitely get used to this. That sight, it's like a fucking drug. Can't get enough of it.

As I lay on my back, I'm thinking about what's in store for me and what the hell I have to give up to keep enjoying that view. Today's been a damn rollercoaster, dealing with Renato and juggling our operations. We had to put everything on hold, tell everyone to keep their heads down until we sort this shit out.

Truth is, the solution ain't rocket science: apologize to Vinnie for whacking one of his capos, make it crystal clear that the girl he laid hands on is a valuable asset to our organization and strictly off-limits, reinforce my commitment to marrying Gabriella, sealing the deal between our families. Sure, there would be some arguments and cursing, but we would have straighten things out quick.

But here's the thing, I couldn't fucking bring myself to do it. Only spilled the beans to Renato about not wanting to marry Gabriella anymore. Meanwhile, those Gambini bastards are getting more and more restless, seeing our silence as a damn near declaration of war.

So now, shit's even more messed up, and I can only pray that the Gambini's have the sense to hold off on retaliation for a while. Because when and if they decide to strike, all hell's gonna break loose. That's why I need everyone to keep a low profile, so those Gambini fuckers don't cross paths with anyone from our crew and do something stupid.

I stood my ground with Renato, but that guy nearly brainwashed me into being reasonable and marrying Gabriella. We didn't come up with any other solutions because in Renato's mind, he couldn't wrap his head around why the hell I'd make such non-strategic decisions and risk a full-on war when our operations have been running smoothly.

And he's got a point. I'm about to start a fucking war over some broad, something I never imagined myself getting tangled up with my whole damn life.

When I finally made it back to the penthouse, after a long day of battling Renato over my stance, I couldn't help but question if it was all fucking worth it. Hell, I wasn't even sure if Laila wanted to be with me. I killed someone to protect her when I shouldn't have, and she was trembling like a leaf in my car, scared shitless of me, for fuck's sake.

So when I walked into that penthouse, I needed to be damn sure it was worth it. I needed her to tell me she wanted to be with me. But when she straight-up told me she wasn't my responsibility, my mind went to some dark place, until I saw her uneasiness when she asked about me marrying Gabriella. Then I knew.

But I can't just put my whole family at risk without a plan. I don't need people walking around town, constantly looking over their shoulders, wives fearing their husbands won't come home, and kids scared shitless their fathers won't make it. I've lived through a mob war, and there ain't shit nice about it. If I'm not playing it smart, I'll lose the trust of my people, and I can't let that happen. The situation's keeping me awake at night, but I'll figure out a solution.


I wake up, realizing that Laila is still sound asleep. Silently slipping out of the bed, I prepare myself and call Renato, arranging a meeting at the club. Time is of the essence, and we can't afford to waste any.

Renato arrives shortly after me, his expression already betraying his hopes that I've come to my senses. Well, he's about to be disappointed.

"So?" he cautiously asks. "Can I make the call to Vinnie's consigliere, Marco, and settle this once and for all?"

I press my hand against my jaw, contemplating for a moment. "Let's offer something different to Vinnie instead of a marriage. What about the Eastside? You're the one who keeps telling me we should demote Tony."

Renato's eyes widen at my suggestion. "Yeah! Yeah! I've told you that, Michael! Demote Tony! Not give away a whole damn sector!"

I know this idea won't please him, but if I want Vinnie to let us off the hook without starting a war, I need to offer something substantial.

"We're much more powerful than the Gambinis. It won't change a damn thing. We'll still make more money than them, even if we give up that sector," I argue.

Renato squirms in his chair, visibly uneasy and seething. "Yeah, but then we'll have a fucking situation within the family, Michael. We demote Tony? Fine. But what are we gonna do about all the made guys below him when they no longer have their sector, eh?"

"We'll find something else for them. The business is vast, there are other opportunities."

Renato lets out a loud sigh. "They won't fucking like it, Mike. Some of them will be real pissed off."

"And it's your job to keep things in order. I'd rather deal with something internally in our own family than have to deal with the fucking Gambinis."

He presses his hand against his face. "Can I change your mind on that?"

"No," I reply firmly, leaving no room for doubt.

"Cazzo. Mike. Giving up the Eastside is one thing, but pushing back on an alliance with the Gambinis? It would have been legendary. So if you make that decision, just know it isn't just the Eastside you're giving up. You're giving up a whole lot more than that. And all for one girl. You should know that your weak spot will be wildly exposed. It won't be a secret to anybody."

I exhale loudly. That's one thing I've carefully considered, fully aware of the consequences. Not only does this trade make me lose a lot, it exposes my weakness, making me vulnerable to my enemies. No mob boss wants their opponents to discover that about them, even though we all have a weak spot: alcohol, drugs, cheap hookers, gambling. The problem is mine is not something I can control, because she has two legs, two arms, hazel eyes, brown hair, and one beating heart of her own.

So I have to choose between living with the fear of someone going after Laila to get to me or knowing that another man is doing to her all the things I wish I was doing to her.

And the second option seems more like hell to me than the first one. So my decision is made.

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