Heathers: Part 1

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{Bold = The Other Universe}

"Why are we girls?" Bakugo asks again as the screen loads.

Zia shrugs. "Let's start," She says.

The screen loads into the school, with Izuku in the middle. Her hair was long and luscious, she was standing in front of a tall Mineta.

"Wow!" Mina exclaims, sitting forward. "Who knew he could get that height! Also, Izuku-kun's looking FLAMING BEAUTIFUL."

Then, Katsuki enters, with Eijiro and Denki a few steps behind her. She struts around, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her skirt way too short for school standards.

Everyone gapes at the Katsuki on the screen.

"WHY AM I WEARING A SKIRT!?" Katsuki blows up.

"And then there's the Heathers," Izuku says, rolling her eyes. "They float above it all."

"Why are we called the Heathers?" Denki questions.

On screen Izuku gestures to Denki, who was giggling while jumping up and down. "Heather Denki, head cheerleader," Izuku says. "Her dad is loaded, he sells engagement rings."

"Oh, because we all have Heather as our first name?" Kirishima questions. Denki shrugs.

Izuku turns to Eijiro. "Heather Eijiro, runs the yearbook. No discernable personality, but her mom did pay for implants," Izuku says, eyes wide as she tells the gossip.

Kirishima sputters in his seat. "No personality?" He exclaims. "So I'm not manly?"

"Who knows, man," Denki says, rubbing Kirishima's back with a regretful face. "But at least you run the yearbook?"

Finally, Izuku turns to Katsuki, who was blowing a kiss to the crowd. "And Heather Katsuki," She says, her voice taking a wistful tone. "The almighty, she's a mythic bitch."

Bakugo slowly turns to Izuku, who looked pale as a ghost. "Kacchan, it was on-screen me who said that, not me!" He squeaks.

Izuku sighs dreamily. "They're solid Teflon, never bothered,never harassed." She stares at them. "I would give anything to be like that."

"That doesn't sound good," Iida says, before starting his hand chopping. "A student should never compare themselves to others, it is unhealthy for you mental health."

The screen went dark, before it came back, with Katsuki doing her lipstick in the mirror while Eijiro was throwing up in the toilet.

Class 1A winced at the sound and sight.

"Grow up, Heather. Bulimia is so '87," Katsuki says, popping her lips.

"Hey! You shouldn't make fun of someone's eating disorders!" Toga chimes in. "That's like- very rude!" The rest of the heroes and students stare at her in shock. "What?"

"Maybe you should see a doctor, Heather," Denki says.

Eijiro throws up again. "Yeah, Heather, maybe I should," She says, wiping her face.

"Yes, she should see a doctor," Denki says, nodding in agreement with his gender bent and on screen counter part.

Nemuri(Midnight) enters. "Ah, Heather and Heather.." She trails off for a moment when Eijiro throws up again. "..And Heather. Perhaps you didn't hear the bell over all the vomiting. You're late to class."

Katsuki doesn't look away from the mirror. "Heather wasn't feeling well, we're helping her," She says, sounding disinterested.

"Not gonna lie, but Bakugo looks mean in here," Kirishima says, looking uncomfortably at the screen. Katsuki just sinks slightly in his seat.

"Not without a hall pass you're not. Week's detention." Nemuri says, turning around before Izuku suddenly appears, paper in hand.

"Um, actually, Ms. Kayama, all four of us are out on a hall pass for the yearbook committee." Izuku says shyly.

Iida gasps. "Forgery? How could you, Midoriya?" He says, sounding betrayed.

"It wasn't me, Iida!" Izuku says. "It was my other universe self!"

Nemuri scans the paper. "I see you're all listed. Hurry up. Get where you're going." She says, handing the paper to Katsuki before leaving.

The Heathers crowd around the paper, looking down at it.

Katsuki looks over at Izuku, walking up to her. "This is some excellent forgery, who are you?" She asks bluntly.

"Getting straight to the point," Tsuyu says, nodding in agreement.

"Izuku.. Izuku Midoriya," Izuku says. "I, um- I crave a boon."

Katsuki frowns at her. "What boon?" She questions.

"This can't be good," Aizawa says tiredly, curling up in his sleeping bag. Zia gapes at him. How did he get that here?

"Just let me sit at your table," Izuku says. "Just once. No talking is necessary. If people think that youguys tolerate me, then they'll leave me alone."

All the Heathers laugh at her.

"Before you answer, I also do report cards, permission slips, and absent notes," Izuku says.

Iida lets out a strangled cry.

"How about prescriptions?" Eijiro asks.

"Shut up, Heather!" Katsuki snaps.

Eijiro backs up. "Sorry Heather," She apologizes.

"All the Heathers are getting confusing," Ochako says. Most everyone nods in agreement.

Katsuki squints at Izuku again. "For a greasy little nobody," She starts. "You do have good bone structure."

Denki runs around to Izuku's other side, placing the side of her palm in the middle of Izuku's face. "And a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have matching halves. That's very important." She says.

Everyone turns to look at Denki, who sweat drops from the attention. "I'm a little concerned for your character, Young Kaminari," All Might says.

"Of course, you could stand to lose a few pounds." Eijiro says, looking at her own stomach in annoyance.

"Poor Kirishima," Mina says, shaking her head.

"And, you know, you know, you know, this could be beautiful." Katsuki sings.

Everyone's jaws, aside from Katsuki, drop at the amazing singing.

"Mascara, maybe some lip gloss, And we're on our way," Katsuki sings, snapping her fingers at Denki. "Get this girl some blush. And, Heather, I need your brush. Let's make her beautiful."

Everyone gapes. Katsuki looks around them angrily. "What?" He growls.

"You can sing, Bakugo?" Jirou asks, sounding as betrayed as Iida did. "Why didn't you say anything during the talent show?"

Katsuki shrugs. "It never came up," He says.

"Let's make her beautiful.." Eijiro and Denki sings in unison.

"BOTH OF YOU CAN ALSO SING?!?" Jirou bellows.

The two boys shy away from her. "I can't," Eijiro says, raising his arms above his head. "It's probably just for the musical."

Jirou turns to Denki. He pales. "I don't know, I guess?" He says.

"Make her beautiful," Katsuki finishes. "Okay?"

Izuku smiles. "Okay!" She says before the screen turns black.

"What?" Mina says. "I want to see what happens next!" She complains, draping over Denki in a dramatic sigh.

"Don't worry, we'll return to this universe soon," Zia says, typing in the remote. "But now it's time for something different."

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)

That moment when you have four book ideas..


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