
Jimin looked up, completely caught off-guard as a nurse knocked on her door, obviously showing some concern as she saw Jimin hurriedly wiping her tears away.

"Are you okay, miss?"

She nodded, showing the nurse a gentle smile, "I'm alright, thanks for worrying. Why did you come here, though?" Jimin asked, turning a little more serious. The nurse smiled back, and bowed slightly.

"You have a visit, miss."

"...A visit?"

The nurse stepped away from the door, bowing down deeply before someone stepped inside of the room, obviously surprising Jimin right away. She gulped down and blinked several times, seeing as the man smirked at her, taking his sunglasses off.

"She's sleeping?"

The nurse nodded, "Her cousin came to visit her but already left. But you can still go and see her, she seemed very worried about you according to what your sister told me earlier when she left, " She said, making Minjeong frown slightly.


"Yes," The nurse nodded, "Miss said it herself. They talked about personal things, so I can't tell you what it was about because I don't know it."

Minjeong nodded, "Thanks for telling me,"

She bowed down, "Have a good afternoon."

The nurse bowed back, and left.

Minjeong took in a deep breath, opening up the door of the hospital suite and stepping inside.

"I'm telling you that as long as I'm alive, I won't let you touch my daughter."

The older man smirked, shaking his head as he let out a chuckle, "Damn, Kim...You're really persistent, aren't you? You insist and insist over and over again-"

"-I want you away from my family. If I ever see you next to Jimin or Minji I swear I'll lose my head," Minjeong said harshly, expressing her anger and hatred through her words, "If you ever get close to Minji I swear I'll make myself sure you won't hear from her ever again."

Sooman shook his head amusingly, "It seems like you have absolutely no idea of where Jimin comes from yet, don't you? She's a chaebol. She's not in your class. She's from a world completely different from yours...Do you even think you're up to her level?"

Minjeong gulped down hard, "As long as I earn money by myself, she and our children will have a warm meal to eat everyday. She'll have everything I can give her. If she is not satisfied, she can leave anytime," She stopped briefly before continuing, "But I won't go around playing with her feelings like you've done all this along, so leave my family alone. This is my last warning."

Minjeong breathed out a soft smile and approached the bed, sitting on it carefully to not wake her up. She brought her hand up to caress her cheek, feeling her fingertips touching her soft skin tenderly.

Jimin felt movement and frowned, moaning in discomfort and bringing her hand up, grabbing her wrist before Minjeong could even take her hand away.

Minjeong stared at her silently, wondering what Jimin would do or say next.

"...I was worried," She muttered almost silently, her lips barely moving.

"...I'm sorry," Minjeong whispered back, letting her hold her hand, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Jimin opened her eyes slowly, looking up at her a little.

"...Don't you ever leave me alone like that again," She whispered, showing her fear that something could happen to her. Minjeong smiled gently and leaned down, closing her eyes as she left a sweet kiss on Jimin's cheek.

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