Chapter 15

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"Babe?" you heard Lia's voice from outside the office and you are just closing your eyes panicking.

"Oh, Lia, you're still awake," Taehyung walked from the back of the door.

"You are home?"

"Ah, I was need to pick up something from the office,"

"Are you gonna stay, I got trouble sleeping without you," Lia is giving him a kiss on Taehyung's lips and you are just throwing your eyes to the ground.

"Sorry, but today is not your day," Taehyung replied without even replaying her kiss.

Lia putting down her hand and looking down.

"Why are you doing this to me? She is someone you shouldn't care about!"

"Lia... doesn't we talk about this 100 times already,"

"And I have warned you to not take this any further and you keep doing this!"

"Please don't make things worse!"

"ME?!" she chuckled away, "you are nothing but mine, and I will make sure you understand that I never lose what is mine!"

Taehyung just couldn't believe his eyes, he was angry, she always treated him like he was a doll, the moment the marriage started, Taehyung lost his mind and became a robot.

Lia storms out and goes back to her room which is on the second level, and you are just holding your head in pain.

You pull his body slowly to walk out of the house, to the swimming pool and sit in one of the lazy chairs, looking at a very still water where the moon shines on the top of the water.

You are holding his hand in your hand, he is just keep looking at the water without a sound, and you are bothered by the fact that he never shows this side of him.

You cup his face in your hand and let her eyes meet yours, his hooded eyes, makes you realize that he is tired, you bring your lips close to his lips, not touching, just very close, like you are asking if he wants you to have this kiss.

Slowly but sure, he start to lean for the kiss, soft, slow, and very stable, and his left hand is holding the back of your neck to make sure you are stable, slowly he tongue entered you parted lips, and you are just flying in ecstasy, the kiss give you the confidence that you wanted him tonight, as he pull your body to have a sit in his lap, you know that this is not gonna stop here, and for what you have hoping for to have the child on your body and get over with this stupid contract.

He is standing up from the chair while you are still holding on for dear life on his shoulder, but he is holding you strong, he opens the door in one swipe while you put your head on his collar bone sniffing away those magical perfume that makes you crazy.

He put you down slowly in your bed, and climbed on top of you with a very serious look on his face.

"I love you... Y/n... just remember that I will never be able to live my life without you now, and I hope you put that in your heart," Taehyung put his lips to your forehead and with a thousand butterflies in your tummy, you are squeezing your legs.

He started the kiss, soft and slow and you are following his movement, his hand is holding your warm cheeks and your hand is wrapped around his neck, he is kisses goes down to your neck and you couldn't hold back your moan when he suck on your sweet spot, you can feel he is smirking though your skin as your body started to ark up, Taehyung start to open your buttoned shirt, one by one and throw it to the side of the bed, and he flip you around to find your bra's straps.

Shit... he is just too good on this! You are mumbling to yourself.

He opens your bra and flips you over, to see those 2 buds in front of his eyes and he gives you that smirk while you are just too busy blushing.

✅ Calling You Mine Series: Book 1 (18+) || BUSINESS MAN AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu